1 thought on “Pique Cited as Reason Biden Canceled Bomb Deliveries to Israel”

  1. The dye has been cast:

    The damage to Israel and to all allies of the U.S. has been and is irreparable. The writer is wrong, very wrong. The world is reading the writing on the wall.

    Biden’s incompetency, or maybe he is just in LaLA land most of the time, along with his puppet masters behind the Green Door, have made the U.S. a totally unreliable partner for much of anything.

    Israel was the political Canary in the Coal Mine. All Dems, certainly most including many Jewish Dems, have gone over to the Dark Side.

    President Obama warned a fellow Dem. in 2020, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.”

    Biden absolutely “F’d” things up and not just about Israel.

    I definitely, my family, my friends, and everyone I am in contact with or might persuade must vote for Trump.

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