3 thoughts on “From Poland to Russia to Israel: A Holocaust Survival Story”

  1. Thank you for sharing your family’s story. It’s another beautiful example of the courage and will of our proud people. I’m so grateful that your father, as a teen, realized the danger of what was imminent and took off for Russia. It’s incredible that he made it to Israel, and even more amazing that he and your mom continued to create family and teach Yiddishkeit.
    Yasher Koach! Thanks again for keeping this tragedy, and success, in our memory.

  2. Martha A Penzer

    Our mother Stella (1921-2018) and her twin brother Lazar Sławin (1921-194?) whose parents Szaja & Ala owned the lending library Czytelnia Współczesna across from the railroad station (the other side of the tracks from your father’s family) were raised in Otwock interbellum. Our grandparents were murdered in the Aktion of August 1942 you describe. I welcome being in touch, Shuli.

    1. Shulamit Hanover (Shuli)

      Shalom Martha
      I would like it very much.
      Am not sure if it’s a good idea to leave my info here.
      If you have a FB account, you can find me and leave a pm on messenger.
      Hope to hear from you soon👍💙

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