Herzog, Gadot Launch ‘Voice of the People’ Initiative


Gal Gadot
Isaac Herzog

JERUSALEM, Israel (Press Release) – In a virtual symposium, President Isaac Herzog on Sunday launched the ‘Voice of the People’ initiative, opening applications for a new global Jewish council. The initiative is designed to unify Jewish communities across the globe and confront the rising tide of antisemitism head-on. In a moving conversation with renowned Israeli actress Gal Gadot, President Herzog affirmed the resilience of the Jewish people, echoing Gadot’s sentiment that “We will prevail.”

“This is a time of great trial for Jews everywhere,” President Herzog said, speaking of unprecedented antisemitic attacks following the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, “but out of this crisis, there will be opportunity.”

In their heartfelt discussion, Gal Gadot spoke about the emotional impact of the events since October 7. “I feel like there is life before October 7 and life after. No one thought something so horrific could happen in 2023,” Gadot said. “But through all the horror, there is something amazing about our people—no revenge, just hope, light, and love. We will prevail, but the only way is by being united.”

Herzog echoed this sentiment: “We know we are a small nation, but in unity, there is strength. We have always overcome when we stand together. That is the essence of the ‘Voice of the People’ initiative: to bring us together, to have dialogue, and to shape our future.”

Israeli footballer Daniel Lifshitz, whose grandparents were taken hostage during the October 7 attacks, shared his moving story. “My grandfather fought in four wars and founded Nir Oz to protect Israel,” Lifshitz said. “Now he’s being held hostage in Gaza, but I feel it’s my mission to bring everyone home. Peace itself is being held hostage.”

Lifshitz urged the global Jewish community to rally together: “When I speak, I say that peace is held hostage in Gaza. The world needs to hear this. Sport can play a huge role—if we amplify the message, it will be such a powerful moment for the Jewish people and the world.”

The ‘Voice of the People’ initiative seeks to address pressing issues such as antisemitism, Israel-Diaspora relations, and security concerns. Through a two-year term, 150 Jewish leaders will convene monthly to develop strategies and solutions. The initiative will culminate in a major conference in Israel in March 2025, marking the first in-person meeting of the council.

Applications for the global Jewish council are now open here. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply, representing the diversity, strength, and resilience of the Jewish people.

Shirel Dagan-Levy, CEO of the ‘Voice of the People,’ emphasized the significance of the moment: “This is a bold step forward in fostering unity, strengthening security, and empowering Jewish leaders. In this time of unprecedented challenge, we are calling on Jewish leaders worldwide to join us in securing our collective future.”

With mentorship from globally recognized experts and the inclusion of young leaders, the initiative will invest in the next generation of Jewish leadership. Alongside the council, a broad community network will engage Jewish communities through virtual Town Halls and collaborative research projects.

Sunday’s event also included emotional performances by Michal Greenglick, who lost her brother during the fighting in Gaza, and poet Aija Mayrock. Their words and music underscored the resilience and spirit of the Jewish people in the face of adversity.



Transcript of Highlights from Conversation Between President Isaac Herzog and Gal Gadot

President Herzog: How does it feel to be Israeli and Jewish these days?

Gal Gadot: I feel like there’s life before October 7 and life after October 7. I’ve always, and will forever, be proud of my heritage—my Israeli and Jewish identity. October 7 was a turning point for the entire Jewish community worldwide. I don’t think anyone ever expected or thought that such a horrific event could happen to our people—or happen in the world at all in 2023. Not a day goes by without me thinking about the hostages and the fact that while we’re here talking, they are still in Gaza, in the tunnels, surviving for almost a year in this hellish reality. It breaks my heart. Words cannot describe the horror. I’ve been in contact with the families, and I’ve been so inspired by them. They’re going through the most horrifying experience, yet at the same time, there’s something amazing about our people. There’s no sense of revenge. Everyone is full of hope, light, and love. Everyone wants this situation to end as soon as possible. It must end.

Herzog: I’m speaking here as the head of the only Jewish state on Earth. On October 6, it was the best of times and the worst of times for Jews. It was the best of times because our communities thrived, the State of Israel was strong and robust, and we had strong Jewish leadership. But it was also the worst of times. There was a lot of anger, conflict, and division among people. Many Jews were distancing themselves from us, fading away. Then this event happened—an earthquake (a major, disruptive event)—and it has shaken all of us. Many Jews who never felt strongly before suddenly woke up, reconnected, and became proud Jews again. But some still drifted away. This earthquake is so powerful that we must focus on how to bring everyone back together. That’s the essence of this wonderful initiative, Voice of the People, to unite us, have a dialogue, discuss our problems and our future, and realize that we always overcome when we stand together.

The biggest challenge facing Jews worldwide is antisemitism (hostility or prejudice against Jewish people). It deeply disturbs me, but I know it’s a reality. We are a small nation—15, maybe 17 million people—among 8 billion human beings, and we must support the needs of Jewish communities everywhere. We need to offer hope, a vision, and a future for the next generation, and bring everyone together. That’s exactly what we are doing here—launching a historic process.

Gal Gadot: We must remember that Israel is the insurance policy for Jewish people around the world. Israel was born after the Holocaust, after what happened to our people, and we must make sure that Israel stays strong and stable. Hopefully, one day—hopefully soon—we will live in peace with all our neighbors. When I look back to when I started 15 years ago, being Israeli was something people admired and were excited about. People talked about strong Israeli women and all of that. I’m not saying it’s not the case anymore, but now it’s more complicated. The conversation has changed, and I find myself repeatedly having difficult and uncomfortable discussions with people who have their own ideas about what’s happening, and I try to give them a full picture of the reality.

Antisemitism has always been there for the Jewish people, but we have the power to come together, spread light, and keep going even when it’s hard. We have to advocate for the hostages to come home—it’s unimaginable that they’re still there. We will prevail, but the only way is by being united.

Herzog: It is the highest priority for our nation, in our national psyche (collective mindset), to bring our brothers and sisters back from the horrible dungeons and tunnels in Gaza. It’s an immense pain. Preserving and protecting our nation is our utmost priority, and we must bring peace. But like you, I believe in the future. I believe that from great crises, opportunities emerge. One day, I believe we will see movements calling for peace, for more inclusion, and for Israel’s permanent and peaceful existence in our region.

Preceding provided by Voice of the People

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