7 thoughts on “Comparing Trump to Hitler is Immoral, Misleading, and Potentially Dangerous”

  1. I agree with Baron. This discussion does need contextualization.

    Contextualize this:

    According to the pollsters 50% of voters favor each candidate.

    After the votes are counted and a new president is decided will the loosing 50% agree that the winning 50% are not un-American?

    Answer: Yes

    As long as Trump is the winner.

  2. I think this discussion also needs some contextualization. Kelley never called Trump Hitler only that Trump believed Hitler did some good things and that he wished he had generals like Hitler’s. His labeling Trump a fascist was preceded by a historically accurate definition of fascism, something Trump erroneously equates with communism and anarchism: ““Well, looking at the definition of fascism: It’s a far-right authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy. So certainly, in my experience, those are the kinds of things that he thinks would work better in terms of running America.” Similarly, General Milley charged Trump was being a “fascist to the core.” These are Trump’s generals. They haven’t endorsed Harris .

    As far as Harris goes, she was asked in an interview to comment on Kelley’s remarks. She never called Trump Hitler but thought that he was a fascist and that his admiration of Hitler’s generals and some of things he did was disconcerting. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-kamala-harris-call-donald-trump-hitler-1974174 Although Trump repeatedly claims and Samuel unfortunately echoes that such vilification of political enemies can justify political violence like the assassination attempt on Trump, Trump has consistently vilified his political enemies in far more vile terms than Harris and has proffered violent means of dealing with these “enemies from within” like locking Hillary Clinton up and executing Mark Milley. Given the constant retributionist vitriol and authoritarian goals he spews, it is a tribute to Harris that she has restrained herself until now to label him a fascist.

  3. This is silliness to an absurd degree. No one is comparing Trump to the successful mass murder Hitler of 1943…

    … but it is entirely apt to compare ol’ todays raving-rabid mass-hypnotist to the Hitler of 1933… when he could have been stopped, if enough people, including Jews, stood up and denounced and fought a monstrously evil liar.

    Moreover, the nature and style of Trump’s vast lies are comparable in a multitude of chilling ways to those spewed by Nazis in that fateful year.

    David Brin

  4. Freud once wrote, “Analogies, it is true, decide nothing, but they can make one feel more at home.” I have wished in some of my past columns that there be a moratorium on the political analogies with Hitler and the Holocaust. Yet I can’t help but notice that Rabbi Samuel reserves his criticism for the Harris campaign but sanitizes Trump’s rhetoric as merely provoking “strong reactions.” A more balanced and persuasive article would have been to explicitly call him out for grossly ahistorical rhetoric too which in Trump’s case reveals his ignorance about what the epithets he tosses at his enemies actually mean. For example, ” ““The crazy lunatics that we have — the fascists, the Marxists, the communists, the people that we have that are actually running the country, those people are more dangerous — the enemy from within — than Russia and China and other people.” In other similar tirades he calls these enemies anarchists, radicals who abhorred centralized states that communism and fascism resulted in. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

  5. Can’t wait for Laurie Baron the brilliant professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University’s take on Rabbi Samuel’s positive comments on Trump.

  6. Thank you, Rabbi, for clearly voicing what needs to be said. The extremists in the Democrat Party have resorted to desperation in their cruel effort to retain power.

    V.P. Harris has doubled down and “made very clear” that she is incompetent and will be the worst, most divisive President in American history.

    Trump is, “let me make this perfectly clear,” as Harris repeatedly phrases things, is the better choice for President.

    She and her Democrat supporters, mindlessly parroting her Hitler label, are the problem.

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