LA MESA, California – The month of Adar is here and is one of the joyful months of the Jewish calendar as it celebrates Purim. I love seeing all the events and deciding which ones I might attend.
I also like hearing or reading about the many different flavors of hamentachen. New ones I saw this year were salted caramel and a peanut butter and chocolate one. Both sound interesting. My 13-year-old twins change their minds each year when I ask them which ones they would like me to make. My husband likes poppy seeds, my daughter likes the cherry pie filling, and my son likes them all.
They also enjoy hearing the dreaded name “Ham*n” and screaming and making noise with groggers. They always enjoyed that when they were really little, and I did too when I was a kid.
Ohr Shalom Synagogue presents a speaker series moderated by Rabbi Scott Meltzer on “Antisemitism Throughout Our Community with Fabienne Perlov, Regional Director, ADL San Diego and David Abrams, SDPD” at 10 a.m., Sunday, March 9. This is part 1 of a 2-part series with partial funding from United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Click here to register.
Jewish Women’s Foundation of San Diego announces a panel discussion “Ethnic Studies: Facts, Fictions, Fears” at 11:30 a.m., Thursday, March 20 at Congregation Beth El. This is a timely and candid discussion about Ethnic Studies that is a high school graduation requirement beginning with the class of 2026. Click here to register.
Friendship Circle announces its “Friendship Walk and Fair San Diego” at 1 p.m., Sunday, March 23 at Nobel Park UTC. The event is a day of community spirit, friendship and inclusion. Click here to register.
La Costa’s Men’s Club will meet at 2 p.m., Sunday, March 2. Men are invited to join for a Torah discussion and other subjects. Refreshments will be served. Click here to rsvp.
East County announced construction has begun at its new location on Navajo Road with the initial focus on the interior space so activities can begin as soon as possible. Flooring has arrived and soon the electricity and plumbing will be addressed. Click here to donate.
Downtown’s Rosh Chodesh Society will meet at 7 p.m., Wednesday, March 5. The event is for women and reveals and explores the transcendence hardwired into the Jewish prayers, and provides intense insights into its bond with God. Click here to rsvp.
Poway invites the community to attend “Michael Riskin: Musical Solo Performance, My Great Grandfather’s Songs” at 6 p.m., Sunday, March 9. Click here for tickets.
Temple Emanu-El invites the community to its “Purim Carnival” at 11 a.m., Sunday, March 9. The annual carnival features games, prizes, a petting zoo, pony rides, facepainting, a costume contest, food, drinks and more. Click here to purchase tickets and wristbands.
Coastal Roots Farm invites the community to attend its “Hey Queen: An LGBTQ+ Purim Hang” at 6 p.m., Wednesday, March 12. This event includes a pre-Purim celebration to make new friends and enjoy yummy noshes and drinks. Click here to register.
Chabad of Poway announces its “Purim Shabbat Feast” at 5:30 p.m., Friday, March 14. The event includes a Shabbos meal, hamantashen, l’chaims and more. Click here to rsvp.
Congregation Beth El’s Social Action Committee reports its March Tikkun Olam opportunity “Mishloach Manot to Sha’ar Hanegev” now until March 10. The congregation’s Torah School students will be writing heartfelt cards to include in each package, reminding residents of our sister city in Israel that they are loved and celebrating the joy of Purim miles away. Click here to donate.
Ohr Shalom Synagogue reports its collaboration with CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). Boxes will be delivered on Sunday, March 9, Sunday, March 23 and Sunday, April 6. Click here for more information.
Temple Emanu-El announces a “save the date” for its annual fundraiser with the theme “Back to the Future” Saturday, May 10. The event will include celebrating the congregation’s past, present and future.
Coastal Roots Farm presents its 10 years of farming, feeding, and nourishing the community at “Taste of the Farm: Celebrating a Decade in Bloom!” at 5 p.m., Sunday, May 18. The event includes farm-to-fork benefit featuring chefs, curated bites, craft drinks and live music. Click here for tickets.
SCY High Hawks ended the basketball season under the direction of Coach Ray Mills with 85 career wins. Not only did the team make it all the way to the finals by sweeping its way through the regular season and the playoffs, but this is the first time in CIF San Diego history that a team both won a semifinal game and completed a portion of the Mishnah on the same day.
David Jacobs, husband of Shirley Jacobs z”l; father of Barbara (Chuck) Limmer and Joseph Jacobs z”l; grandfather of Robert Limmer and Max Jacobs, has died. The funeral was held Friday, Feb. 28 in Los Angeles, Ohr Shalom Synagogue reports.
Isidoro Lombroso, father of Susie (Steve) Wolff, and Esther, Gina, Salvador and Jessica Lombroso, has died. The memorial service will take place at 7 p.m., Sunday, March 2 at Beth Eliyahu, Ohr Shalom Synagogue reports.
Cailin Acosta is the assistant editor of the San Diego Jewish World.