Schumer, McMahon want U.S. to reimburse NYC for security costs of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial

NEW YORK (Press Release) – Rep. Michael E. McMahon joined Senator Charles E. Schumer on Monday  in calling on the Obama Administration to reimburse the City of New York for all security costs for the upcoming trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.  These costs have been estimated at upwards of $75 million, which would place a tremendous burden on the City’s budget.

“The trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed will mean round the clock police protection for lower Manhattan by the NYPD,” said Rep. McMahon.  “As Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has stated, New York can handle this trial, but the people of New York City should not have to pay the cost of the policing needed to carry it out.  This trial is not just about New York City; it is about our country as a whole and how we deal with the terrorists who attack our way of life.  The people of New York have suffered so much already, it is unjust to expect that the costs of security for this trial to be paid only by our city.  It would force cuts to necessary programs, place an extreme burden on our police force and once again compromise New York City residents’ way of life.  The federal government needs to step and in and pay for the necessary security.”

“I am also calling on the Obama Administration to pay for any additional costs associated with this trial,” continued Rep. McMahon.  “This isn’t New York putting this terrorist on trial; it is America putting him on trial and New York should not pay for that burden alone.”

The funding proposed by Sen. Schumer and Rep. McMahon would come from the Obama Administration’s FY 2011 Budget.

The current security plan for the terror trials involves U.S. marshals handling security for the courthouse.  The FBI and NYPD would provide a supporting role with the specific charges of protecting the public and area surrounding the courthouse.  

Preceding provided by Congressman McMahon