Al Qaeda believed behind attempted roadside bombing at Allenby Bridge

AMMAN, Jordan (WJC)–On Thursday afternoon, a remote-controlled bomb placed by unknown terrorists was detonated when a convoy with two Israeli diplomats coming from Amman was driving toward the Allenby Bridge crossing between Israel and Jordan. No one was injured in the blast, but the two vehicles sustained some damage.

The bomb was placed on a main highway linking the Jordanian capital with the border area. The road is normally considered safe. Immediately after the incident, the two Israeli diplomats and their security officers drove to a nearby Jordanian military base, and following a short debriefing by Jordanian intelligence officers, they were taken to the Allenby Bridge.

A Jordanian security official told the ‘al-Ghad’ newspaper that the explosion was a message to Jordanian authorities and that those behind the attack were capable of infiltrating Jordan’s security establishment and hitting its strategic assets. The source did not rule out the possibility that the terror network al-Qaeda was behind the attack.

Israeli security sources believe the attempt was a well-planned ambush, which failed due to inaccurate timing. Initial findings collected by the Jordanian authorities show that one or two roadside bombs were used in the attack.

Preceding provided by World Jewish Congress