Jordanian sources point finger at Iran for attempted car bombing of Israeli diplomats

JERUSALEM (WJC)–The failed bomb attack against Israeli diplomats in Jordan last week could have been carried out by a local al-Qaeda cell acting on instructions from Iran, sources close to the Jordanian intelligence community have told the ‘Jerusalem Post’. The unnamed sources said that the attack had come in response to the killing of Iranian nuclear scientist Massoud Ali Muhammadi in Tehran.

Ali Muhammadi was killed by a remote-controlled bomb on a motorcycle. The Iranian regime immediately blamed Israel and the United States for perpetrating the attack. Jordanian al-Qaeda supporters had received money and explosives from Tehran to attack the Israeli diplomats’ convoy, the Jordanian sources told the ‘Jerusalem Post’.

On Monday, the Arab news channel ‘al-Arabiya’ reported that an Amman taxi driver had been arrested by Jordanian police on suspicion of involvement in the bombing.

Last week, a remote-controlled bomb placed by unknown terrorists was detonated when a convoy with two Israeli diplomats coming from Amman was driving toward the Allenby Bridge crossing between Israel and Jordan. No one was injured in the blast. The bomb was placed on a main highway linking the Jordanian capital with the border area.

Preceding provided by World Jewish Congress