As the Psychologist Sees You
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 4
By Irving R. Stone, Psychological Consultant
The Effect of Climate on Personality
We are aware of many forces affecting personality, such as heredity, the family, the neighborhood, and health factors. It is true that all of these are influences which must not be overlooked. However, there is one which has not gained our attention but yet deserves our attention.
“The Effect of Climate on Personality” is an established fact. It has so many ramifications and is so widespread that we often take it as a matter of course without realizing how devastating it might be. Consider, for example, the effect of climate on the personality of the farmer. He hopes for rain and gets only heat and sun. Soon his smile and happiness over the appearance of his well-cultivated land turns to sadness, pessimism and irritation. His relationship with others suffers and even his family feels the change in his personality.
Heat and cold have a strong influence on personality. Warm and not too hot weather makes everyone feel gay and cheerful. We seem to develop a sense of expansiveness, of well-being, and of friendliness. When it becomes very hot we become irritable, short of temper, and easily annoyed. Every little comment or bit of dissatisfaction sets of four aggressiveness and serves as a trigger for outbursts. Too cold weather serves in a similar way. We are gruff, uncommunicative, and wish to be left alone. It almost seems as though we want to bury ourselves in the collars of our overcoats.
The weather or climate is known to be an important factor in the type of crime that is committed. Hot weather is an important cause of crimes of violence and assault. Cooler weather accounts for crimes of theft and housebreaking. Climate has been credited with being a cause for increases in the conception of children.
We say that everyone talks about the weather but no one does anything about it. Perhaps the day will come when climate can be controlled and when that time does come we may find that personality is modified too.
Hadassah To Hold Luncheon Feb. 20
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 4
Mrs. Victor Selton and Mrs. Arthur Gardener are co-chairing Hadassah’s Vocational Education luncheon meeting on February 20th in the Terrace Room of the Lafayette Hotel.
Hadassah’s vocational education program in Israel will be demonstrated by the viewing of the very exceptional documentary film, “The Living Future.” The film is narrated by Quentin Reynolds, author and lecturer.
The audience will have the opportunity and challenge of participating in the fascinating and entertaining game “The Price is Right,” patterned after the television program of the same name. The winners will take all by receiving the objects as gifts.
Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Selton are assisted by Mesdames: Alan Screiber and Leon Solomon, program chairmen; Samuel Kerper, decorations; Leonard Pearl, and Sidney Gerstler, reservations; David Shannahoff and B.J. Mallinger, telephone; Sidney Smith and Ray Bass, Hospitality; Charles Silverman, tickets; Norman Gelman, Bulletin Editor, and ARthur Levy, PUblicity.
The Chapter wants to publicly thank Mr. Eddie Fisher, who donated his time and abilities, and Mr. Joseph Wolfman who was instrumental in bringing him here.
Labor Zionists Slate Noted Speaker Feb. 11
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 4
Mr. Isaac Hamlin, a great Histadrut personality, will be the honored guest of Chaim Weizman Branch, Labor Zionist Organization in San Diego, on Monday, February 11, at the Lafayette Hotel.
Mr. Hamlin, identified with Histadrut in American since its inception and one of its top leaders, has in recent years established residence in the State of Israel. He is currently touring the United States in behalf of Histadrut.
Refreshments will be served. There will be no solicitation of funds.
Jewish War Vets Serve
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 4
The Post and Auxiliary served the Lox and Bagel breakfasts at Naval Training Station on January 26 and February 3. Hats off to Christine Rose, Harry Ap;elman and Izzy Silverman for a job well done.
The meeting night was changed to the second Tuesday of each month at the same place, Veterans Memorial Building, Balboa Park.
The next meeting is Tuesday, February 12, for the electon of officers followed by a gin rummy tournament. An Installation Dinner and Dance is planned for the last week of March at the Naval Officers Club.
The membership is invited to attend the meeting of the Department of California Executive Committee on Saturday and Sunday, February 9 and 10, at Arrowhead Springs Hotel, San Bernardino, and the Western Regional Conference on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 1,2, and 3 at the Dunes HOtel, Las Vegas, Nevada. For the Las Vegas meeting there will be special reduced rates — $37 a couple for two nights including breakfast, a Saturday night banquet, entertainment, etc.
On January 15 the Post held its monthly hospital party at the TB Ward, Naval Hospital. If anyone has a friend at the hospital phone BElmont 4-3321 and we will pay a visit.
Yo-Ma-Co Club
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 4
The Yo-Ma-Co Club welcomed four new couples at the last meeting. They are Sarah and Lou Resnick, Lucille and Lou Schwartz, Adele and Amos Sommers, Miriam and Ed Goldsmith.
The highlight of our last meeting was a “Luau Nite” with Hawaiian dancers and refreshments were served native style.
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 4
It’s a fact that carelessness adds to the care of life.
Jonathan Miller Bar Mitzvah
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 5
The Bar Mitzvah of Jonathan David, son of Dr. and Mrs. David Miller, was held on Saturday, February 2, at Tifereth Israel Synagogue. His brother, Richard Elihu, was accorded the honor of reading the Torah portion of the service.
Jonathan’s maternal grandmother, Mrs. Louise Victor, of Wintrhop, Mass., and his paternal aunt, MRs. Esther Silberman of New York City were among the out-of-town guests who attended the Bar Mitzvah.
A kiddush and luncheon was held following the services.
Julius L. Barad Bar Mitzvah
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 5
The Bar Mitzvah of Julius Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barad, and grandson of Mr. Lavena Komins, will be held at the Sabbath Service on Saturday, Feb. 9, 10 a.m. at the Tifereth Israel Synagogue. A reception will follow the services. All are welcome.
Out of town guests who will be present will include Julius’ paternal grandmother, Mrs. Sadie Meshnik, of Providence, R.I.; his uncle, Morton L. Barad of Waltham, Mass.; his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Katz of Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nowitch and family, from San Pablo, Calif.
Ronald Mollick To Be Bar Mitzvah
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 5
Ronald Mollick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mollick, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, February 16, at 9:30 a.m. His grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Malek, of Elsinor, will be in town for the happy event.
Following the services, a kiddush will be served , to which friends are cordially invited.
U.S.Y. Plans Valentine Dance
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 5
On February 16, the U.S.Y. Club has planned a spectacular evening. The event will be a “Valentine Vamp” dance starting at 8 at the Tifereth Israel Center. Those attending will rock and roll to rhythmic music of the Gay Niters. The price is only $1 for non-members and 75c for members, and the dress is Dressy.
Refreshments will be served.
All teenagers in grades 9-12 are cordially invited. Be sure and come and you’ll have a terrific time.
The U.S.Y. started off the New Year with an installation dance “New Regime Romp.” Mr. M. Tadman was the installing officer. Those installed were: Dave Janowsky, President; J. Goldberg, Vice-Pres; Marcia Ruskin, Recording Secretary; Marlene Freed, Cor. Sec’y, and Jim Elden, Treas.
Beth Jacob News
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 5
New Beth Jacob Youth League
A new Beth Jacob Youth League, consisting of boys and girls in grades 7, 8 and 9, will be formed on Sunday, February 17, at 12:30 p.m. All interested teenagers are cordially invited to attend this first meeting which will be a luncheon. Ed Goldsmith, local San Diego City school instructor, will be the counselor. Officers will be elected and plans for the future formulated. Ideas will be submitted for a yearly schedule of in and outdoor social activities, to be approved by the group.
Rummage Sale Set for March 4th to 6th
The Beth Jacob Auxiliary and the Beth Jacob Sisterhood will jointly sponsor a rummage sale to be held on March 4, 5, and 6. They hope to make this event outstanding and urge your cooperation in donating merchandise. If you have anything you would like to contribute, please contact Jennie Bloomfield, AT-2-9517, Mitzi Ornstein, JU-2-1274 or bring your rummage to the Beth Jacob Center.
Negba Club
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 5
The Negba Club of Pioneer Women is holding a Jewish National Fund night at Beth Jacob Synagogue Saturday, Feb. 16th at 8:00 p.m. Mrs. D. Yaskel, Chairman, and her committee will prepare good things to eat. Rabbi Monroe Levens will be guest speaker of the evening and will present slides and speak of his travels recently in Israel. Pres. Rose Brooker is inviting all members and friends to enjoy a delightful evening.
Reservations not needed. Donation $1.00.
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 5
Mrs. Lee Ruth Rickel, wife of Chaplain Elihu H. Rickel, passed away on January 23. Services were held at the Lewis Colonial Mortuary. Mrs. Rickel was buried in Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery.
Als surviving are two daughters, Susan and Alice; her mother, two sisters and five brothers. MRs. Rickel was graduated magna cum laude from the Universityof Buffalo, received an M.A. degree from State Teachers College, Buffalo, and taught in the philosophy department at Universkity of Buffalo. She was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. During her stay in San Diego Mrs. Rickel was a member of Tifereth Israel Congregation.
Beth Israel Sisterhood and Men’s Club Hold Family Dinner February 12
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 5
The February meeting of Temple Beth Israel will be held jointly with the Temple Men’s Club at a dinner on Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 6:00 p.m. in the Temple Center. As an annual “family” event for parents and their children of teenage and other age levels, a panel discussion, “Parents and Youth Look for the Answer,” will be presented.
Mrs. Richard Silberman, program chairman, will introduce the four members of the panel, MR. Russel Henzie, principal of Horace Mann Jr. High; Dr. Robert Kaplan, psychologist’ Mr. Charles Rogers, Chief Probation Officer, and Dr. Wayne Neal, Director of the Council of Churches. Their topics will be “Causes and Cures” of negative and positive behaviors, What Makes Adolescents Click,”” “In Trouble and Out,” and “Can Religion Help?” Rabbi Morton J. Cohn will serve as moderator and will invite a queston and answer period from both parents and children.
Reservations may be made by calling Mmes. Ernest Haas, CY-5-2040, or David Cohen, AT-4-2158.
Cottage of Israel
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 5
At long last, a project considered for several years by the Cottage of Israel has become a reality. An Israeli Fok dance group has been organized and is now having weekly rehearsals under the professional coaching of Mr. Vyts Belijus, well known instructor of all types of folk dancing.
The group consists of Edith and Seymour Gates, Alma and Fred Yaruss, Jerry and Faye Kent, also Rose Parrell and her young daughter Bonnie. Under the direction of Edith Gates, program chairman for the Cottage, plans are being formulated for the ninth anniversary celebration of Israel’s Independence Day which will take place on May 5 on the Cottage lawns. Our Cottage dancers should by that time provide a polished and entertaining program of Israeli dancing under Mr. Belijus’ direction. The group is also planning to design their own costumes for the program.
If there are one or two couples who would be interested in joining this group (must be members of the Cottage) information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Seymour Gates at JU-2-1450.
Beth Jacob Form New Social Club
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 5
The first meeting of a new social club, formed by the Beth Jacob Congregation, was held on February 2, with twenty couples in attendance.
Couples who will serve as officers are: Mmes and Messrs. Jack Meyers, President; Al Davis, Treasurer; Marty Schwartz Secretary.
A program of dance instruction, sponsored by the club but independent of its other activities was initiated. Meetings will be held monthly. The club will be open to membership to anyone of the Jewish community who enjoys meeting with other couples. The next meeting will be on Saturday, March 1.
Jr. City of Hope
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 5
The Junior group of the City of Hope is holding their annual sweetheart dance on Feb. 17 at 8 p.m. at Top’s Restaurant on Pacific Blvd. Earl Fisher and his orchestra will play. Bring your sweetheart and try to win a 14″ portable TV. Admission, $1.50 per person. Good time, good music, good cause.
With the Guardians
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 6
By Morrie Pomeranz
At the Board of Directors meeting held on January 24th, two important propositions were taken under consideration. First and foremost, the regular diner meetings have been changed from the first Thursday of each month to the second Thursday. Thus, the next regular meeting of the Guardians will be held on February 14th at the Mission Valley Country Club. Secondly, the Board members voted to conribute the amount of $750,m00 to the Hebrew Home for the Aged.
The young man squared his shoulders, stood erect, and rapped firmly on the door marked “Private.” Entrepreneur Eddie Bland, busily counting the day’s take, said: “Come in.” And in walked one of his employees –his demeanor was one of supplication– he was a little unsure of himself–but finally managed to stutter: “Mr. Bland, I thought – that is — you said about two months ago — well I figured this is the right time …” Eddie impatiently prodded his man on: “So out with it — what’s on your mind?” The youth, speaking now with more assurance, answered: “Mr. Bland, you remember a couple of months back when I asked for a raise — well today’s the day, because you said it would be a cold day in San Diego when I got more money from you and it’s 48 degrees outside right now.”
Mickey Fredman reports seeing a display sign in the window of an enterprising Chinese Laundry on lower F street: “We speak Hungarian.”
There have been countless Las Vegas stories — especially concerning infallible systems devised by mental wizards intent on bankrupting the desert oasis. The following was told us by one of our Guardians who is a regular habitue at Vegas –“no names, please” was his only request– and so to the tale of the “system.” Our successful business man had, after considerable expense and experience, effected a system whereby a small profit could be realized daily at the crap table — the only drawback — one had to be content with a maximum of forty dollars per day income — no more ==no less–pick up 40 bucks and call it quits for the day. About two weeks later our friend sees our hero at the table: “How goes it?” “Well,” mused the other, “Not so hot — but my system is still netting me about 8 dollars a day — too much work for the effort.” And just this past weekend, when again asked for a report of progress, this was the simple answer: “I’m working on a new system now to keep my losses down to $40 a day.”
Jewish Community Center
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 8, 1957, Page 6
Teenage Heart’s Hop
The Center Teenagers will have their “Heart’s Hop Dance” on Thursday, Feb. 14, from 7:30 on. A dance band will provide the music. Dressy sport. Contributions 50c drag, 75c drag. All teenagers in the community from 14 to 19 are invited to attend the Heart’s Hop.
Tweens To Have Sweetheart Dance
The Center Tweenagers will hold their “Sweetheart Dance” on Wednesday, Feb. 13, in the University Ballroom above the Center from 7 p.m. on . A dance band will provide the music. A special program is being planned for the further enjoyment attending the Sweetheart Dance. This affair is open to the “Tweens” of the community.
World Fellowship in Mexico City
Two youths from san Diego will be chosen to participate in a 10-day glamour trip to Mexico City and Acapulco. Together with youths from 20 western states’ communities our representatives will participate in 10 days of travel and fun as guests of the Jewish community of Mexico City. Two of the outstanding night clubs will be visited, a day in the Jewish Sports Palace and a day int he fabulous two million Jewish Community Center is part of the itinerary. Two days in the resort of acapulco will be enjoyed.
The World Fellowship program is sponsored by the Western States Section of the National Jewish Welfare Board. The primary purpose is to encourage the development of local leadership among Jewish youth.
Creative Dance and Ballet
The Creative Dance and Ballet will have a public performance of the students sometime in March. There will be a program of various dances and techniques with descriptive stories. Those interested in joining this class are invited to come to the Center on Wednesday at 3:15 p.m. or call for further information.
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history. To find stories on specific individuals or organizations, type their names in our search box, located just above the masthead on the right hand side of the screen.