Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, May 17, 1957, Part 3

Donor Luncheon to Mark ‘Sweet Sixteen’

Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 4

“… and the desert shall bloom” has been selected by Chairman, Mrs. Elmer Wohl and her co-Chairman, Mrs. Sam Cohen, as the theme for Hadassah’s Donor Luncheon to be presented on Thursday, June 20, in the Palm Room of the U.S. Grant Hotel.

The Donor event is the culmination of a year of exceptionally hard and effective work on the part of the women of san Diego Hadassah in one of the most important and crucial years in Israel’s and Hadassah’s history. This year, the Donor Luncheon will  not only mark the 45th anniversary of National Hadassah but will also celebrate the San Diego chapter’s sixteenth birthday.

At a brunch hostessed by Mrs. John Ruskin, president, and Mesdames Wohl and Cohen, held at the Progress Club of the San Diego Hotel and attended by forty committee members, elaborate and unusual plans were made for this triple celebration. Announcement was made of the appointment of the following co-chairmen:  Mrs. Irvin Kahn, Sponsors; MRs. Hyman Kitaen, Invitations and Reservations; Mrs. Rudolph Hess and Mrs. Fred Leeds, Program Book; Mrs. Martin Ernest, Decorations: Mrs. David Garfield, Mrs. M.L. Lawrence, Mrs. Ray Leiberman and Mrs. Norman Smith, Favors and Champagne Hour; Mrs. Arthur Levy and Mrs. Maynard Hurwitz, Publicity, and Mrs. Leonard Zlotoff and Mrs. Charles Fleischner, Telephone.

For further information and reservations for the Donor Luncheon, please call Mrs. Hyman Kiaten at AT-1-4140.

City of Hope Jr. Aux
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 4

The City of Hope Jr. Auxiliary will hold nominations and election of officers on Saturday evening, 8:30 p.m. on May 18 at the home of MR. and Mrs. Adrian Laseter, 5180 Manhasset Dr.

A soial gathering will be held after the business is conducted.

Women’s Division To Push For 50 Lives
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 4

In an intensive effort to reach the goal of saving 50 Jewish lives Mrs. Lewis Solomon, Women’s Division Chairman, announced that the women workers in the 1957 United Jewish Fund campaign would continue their efforts through personal and telephone solicitation to raise the slightly more than $2,000 necessary to reach the $51,150 goal.

“At this time,” Mrs. Solomon said, “there are still several hundred women who gave in 1956 and who have not as yet made their life-saving gift in 1957.  These gifts amount ot over $3,500 and if those women who are going to make their individual plus gift would do so now, the Women’s Division would have achieved a record of saving lives never before accomplished in our community.”

Yo-Ma-Co News
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 4

The last meeting was highlighted by the presentation of a white elephant, Chinese auction. Worthwhile items were provided by the members for this unique method of auctioning. The proceeds will go toward the World Fellowship Vacation trip Award.

The Club’s exciting bowling tournament was held Sunday May 5.  Joe Kitaen and Barbara Miller captured the honors.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 22, at 9 p.m.

Around the West in 30 Days Offered

Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 4

Boys between the ages of eleven and fifteen are offered a 30-day trip around the Western States and Canada this summer by Rudy Silvern, a teacher in North Hollywood.

The fee with equipment is $385, without equipment, $350.  The first trip will leave Los Angeles Sunday, June 30, and return Tuesday, July 30.  The second trip will leave Los Angeles Sunday Aug. 5 and return Weds., Sept. 4.  More information may be obtained by phoning BE-3-8393.

To Speak at Temple Barbecue May 26
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 4

Col. and Mrs. Irving Salomon will be hosts at a barbecue and cocktail party at their beautiful Rancho Lilac in Escondido on Sunday, May 26 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Members of Congregation Beth Israel are invited to attend the affair held to further the interests of Reform American Judaism.  Guest of honor and principal speaker is MR. John Stone, Motion Picture Production Executive and Member of the Executive Committee of the uNion of American Hebrew Congregations.
Pioneer Women to Hold Joint Installation and Dinner June 2nd

Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 5

The Celebration of the 20th year of the Negba Club and the 10th year of the Shoshana Club will highlight the annual Donor Dinner of Pioneer Women at the U.S. Grant Hotel, Sunday, June 2nd, at 6:30 p.m.

Guest speaker at the dinner will be Mrs. David (Effie) Simon of Los Angeles.  Mrs. Simon was selected as one of 10 women from the United States and Canada to attend the Jewish Agency Seminar in Israel this last year. She is Vice-President of the Los Angeles Council of Pioneer Women and is a member of the Board of Governors for State of Israel Bonds.

The Cottage of Israel Dancers will present a series of Israeli Folk Dances with vocal selections by Mr. Herb Gross.

Mrs. Ann Lebow, West Coast Regional Chairman for Pioneer Women will install the following officers for the forthcoming year:

Negba Group — Pres., Mrs. Harry Weitzman; 1st Vice-Pres, Mrs. Chas. Press; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Rose Leaf; Corr. Sec., Mrs. Esther Menger; Rec. Sec, Mrs. Sam Friedman; Fin. Sec., Mrs. Phil Abrams; Treas., Mrs. Florence Lewbb.

Shoshana Group — Pres., Mrs. Seymour Gates; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Leo Ross; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Al Varon; Corr. Sec., Mrs. Jack Pupkin; Rec.  Sec., Mrs. Art Lavine; Fin. Sec.,, Mrs. Si Rich; and Treas., Mrs. Geo Alpert.

In charge of all arrangements is Mrs. Chas Press, dinner chairman and her co-chairmen Mrs. Isaac Domnitz, Mrs. Si Rich and Mrs. Art Lavine.

‘Hannah’ Awards Presented by Council
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 5

‘Hannah’ awards in the form of gold statues were awarded at the Installation meeting of the National Council of Jewish Women on May 7th.  The winners, who were “behind the scenes” workers were: Mesdames Richard Levi, Harold Robinson, Earl Richmond, Malcolm Winston, Isa Pearl, Hannah Price. Both the outgoing president, Mrs. Jack Stern, and the incoming president, Mrs. Herbert Robbins, were given gold “keys to the city” by Mayor Charles Dail, installing officer.  The ‘Hannahs’ were so named for the great woman founder of the organization, Mrs. Hannah Solomon.

“Council’s Community services activities continue through the summer, as does Thrift Shop,” said Mrs. Hebert Robbins, President, and she urged members to keep giving Thrift Shop items.

National Council of Jewish Women is offering a $100 cash scholarship to a deserving student. Applicants should write immediately to Mrs. Jack Stern, 5326 E. Fallsview Drive, San Diego.

As the Psychologist Sees You
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 5

By Harry Ruja, Ph.D
Guest columnist

A strange phenomenon among minority groups is the development in them of an attitude of self-disparagement.  Exposed to expressions of it in the dominant group, members of minorities make it their own. Thus some Catholics feel apologetic about Catholicism, some Negroes are self-conscious of their dark skin, and some Jews dislike Jews.

My colleague at San Deigo State, Dr. Ernest M. Wolf, has in a recent issue of “The Reconstructionist” described the variety of forms such Jewish self-hate may take.  He remarks that this hatred can be turned against anything and everything Jewish, including the very self of the individual Jew.

From a psychological viewpoint, such an attitude is destructive. Psychologists stress how important for happiness accepting oneself is. To counteract this self-destroying attitude, they recommend identification with one’s people.  The Jew who is able to identify with noble Jewish ideals and figures can protect himself against Jewish self-hate.

We Jews are indeed fortunate in having an abundance of such ideals and personages. There is the ideal of one just, merciful, universal God which Jews gave to the world.  There is the ideal of the dignity and worth of the individual, as expressed for example in Leviticus 19:18: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  There is the ideal of peace, formulated in Isaiah: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks,” engraved on the face of the UN Building in New York.  There is the ideal of freedom, celebrated at Chanukah and Passover.

There are Moses the lawgiver, Solomon the wide, David the psalmist. There are, in our own time Albert Einstein, Dr. Jonas Salk and Justice Brandeis. There is the inspiring example of Israel, a small nation surrounded by hostile neighbors, offering a refuge for the persecuted of our people.

When we contribute to the United Jewish Fund, we identify ourselves with our people and with humanitarianism.  We contribute thus to the well-being of our own personalities.

“Witness” Now AT Old Globe Theatre

Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 5

“Witness for the Prosecution,” Agatha Christie’s  famous courtroom suspense play opened a four week run at the Old Globe Theatre in Balboa Park. Produced by the san Diego Community Theatre and directed by Craig Noel, the tension filled drama will be presented nightly except Mondays, at 8:30 through June 9.

The involved and tense plot of “Witness for the Prosecution” tells about a shiftless young man who is accused of murdering an elderly woman who has willed her fortune to him. The drama that fills the courtroom during the trial is so engrossing and so delicately woven that audiences are requested not to divulge the story to others lest they spoil the effect of the play.

JWV To Hold “No Host” Breakfast
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 5

Harry Apelman, Past Commander, Department of California, J.W.V., heads a committee, appointed by the National Commander, Bill carmen, to increase the membership of San Diego Post 185.

Mr. Apelman invites every eligible veteran of the Jewish faith, to a “no host” breakfast, Sunday morning, May 19th, at 9 a.m. at Sandy’s Restaurant, 3362 Adams Avenue.

He also invites the wives of these ex-servicemen, also their children, to participate in this “gourmet’s delight.”

19570517-fox lodge
Left to right: Herb Bunkin, vice president; Fred Yaruss, president; Dr. Harry Ruja, vice president, and Irving Small, Jr., past president, at ceremonies attending the erection of the first B’nai B’rith road sign in the western states.


Fox Lodge Shows the Way
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 6

San Diego B’nai B’rith set a public relations pace for western states Jewry this month with the establishment of the first B’nai B’rith road sign to be placed on the west coast.

Placed at the busy Pershing Drive and Redwood Street intersection in San Deigo, the sign contains the B’nai B’rith emblem, the 7-candle Menorah, and the invitation, “B’nai B’rith Welcomes You.”  “Community Service since 1843” is at the base of the Candelabra.

A project of the Samuel I. Fox Lodge, the sign — the first of a series in the San Diego neighborhood — also lists the lodge’s 2nd and 4th Tuesday meeting dates and theBeth Jacob Center address, 4473 30th Street.

(Better Business)
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 6

Your San Diego Better Business Bureau issues this storm warning. If you don’t know the merchant, know the merchandise.

If a salesman tells you: “You have been selected –!” beware!  There might be a catch. Call your san Diego Better Business Bureau if in doubt.

U.S.O. Committee Makes Appointments
Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 6

Morris W. Douglas, Chairman of the Jewish Welfare Board Armed Services Committee appointed, at a meeting held May 8 at Temple Beth Israel, the following new committee chairmen:

Mrs. George Katz, Wednesday evening programs; Mrs. Byron Sharpe, Sunday morning brunches; Lester Tokars, Public Relations and Publicity; Mrs. Julius Levine and Joseph Feldman, Co-Chairmen Home Hospitality; Mrs. Harold Garvin, Program. Serving on the committee with Mrs. Garvin will be Mrs. Joseph Kaplan (Chairman Sr. Sponsor-Jr. Hostess Committee, Mrs Sylvia Passel, and Stanley Yukon.

The Samuel I. Fox Lodge B’nai B’rith has been added to the organizations volunteering to serve Sunday morning brunches during the year.

It was announced that Miss Phylane Sherman has been employed as Administrative Assistant-Secretary with offices at 333 Plaza, BElmont 2-5172.

The JWB Armed Services Committee i an agency of the Federation and is financed by the United Jewish Fund.

Jewish Center News

Southwestern Jewish Press, May 17, 1957, Page 6

Camp Jaycee Registration — Registrations for the 1957 session of Camp Jaycee will be accepted up to the time the camp is filled. A waiting list will then be created.  Those registering and paying their fees early are entitled to 5 percent reduction on their fees.  Those considering sending their children to camp should act quickly and register them.  Brochures are available at the Center office.

Community Couples Club — the 4 C’s Spring Dinner Dance will be held on May 25, at the El Nadadero, 995 West Chase Avenue, El Cajon.  New couples in San Diego are cordially invited to join the 4 C’s at this affair. For further information, call Mrs. Wasserman at JU-2-2722.

Local Center Worker Off to Convention — Mr. Irving Mortin, Assistant Executive Director of the Jewish Community Center will attend the annual meeting of the National Conference of Jewish Communal Services in Atlantic City, N.J., from May 24-28.  Mr. Mortin will chair a meeting of all center executives and sub-executives  on “Family Program Experiences in Jewish Community Centers.” A report will be given of this conference at a meeting of the Board of Directors on June 19th.

A Reminder – The city-wide World Fellowship Dance will take place on Saturday, May 18, in the Temple Center, from 8 p.m. The entire community is invited.  Highlight of the evening will be the announcement of the winners of the contest who will be going to Mexico City and Acapulco for 10 days.

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history. To find stories on specific individuals or organizations, type their names in our search box, located just above the masthead on the right hand side of the screen.