U.S., Israel applaud Ukrainian election results

Flag of Ukraine
Flag of Ukraine

WASHINGTON, D.C. (SDJW) — The White House said on Tuesday, May 27, that President Obama called President-elect Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine  “to congratulate him on his victory and offer the full support of the United States as he seeks to unify and move his country forward.

“The President stressed the importance of quickly implementing the reforms necessary for Ukraine to bring the country together and to develop a sustainable economy, attractive investment climate, and transparent and accountable government that is responsive to the concerns and aspirations of all Ukrainians.  T

“he United States will continue assisting Ukraine in these efforts.  The two leaders agreed to continue their conversation during the President’s upcoming trip to Europe.”

In Jerusalem, meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement about the Ukrainian elections.  It said  “Israel welcomes the election process which was conducted in Ukraine in a responsible and democratic manner, in which the President was elected with a majority of votes. We respect the Ukrainian people’s choice and hope that calm and peace will return to Ukraine soon.

“Israel remains committed to strengthening its bilateral ties and cooperation with Ukraine, and looks forward to working with its leadership   to further promote the relations between our two countries.”

At the legislative level, such Jewish members of Congress as Elliot Engel, the ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Sen Ben Cardin, chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, also commented.

Said Engel: “I congratulate the people of Ukraine on holding a successful presidential election, and I congratulate the presumptive President-elect, Petro Poroshenko.  On Sunday {May 25} , millions of Ukrainians braved threats, provocations, and even violence to exercise their rights in a vote that the OSCE and other international observers judged to be largely free and fair. When the Ukrainian people cast their votes, they had real choices about which direction they wanted to take their country.  They voted with confidence that their voices would be heard and counted.  And the path they’ve chosen is clear.

“With their votes, the people of Ukraine have signaled that they believe in unity, democracy, and the right to choose their own future free of outside pressure and intimidation.  This election therefore represents an important milestone for Ukraine on the road to restoring stability and economic and political health, and I urge Ukraine’s new leader to continue the process of reconciliation and to represent all regions of Ukraine and all Ukrainians.
“At the same time, I call on President Putin and Russia to respect the outcome of Ukraine’s vote, to refrain from further aggression against Ukraine, and to immediately cease destabilizing actions in the country. ”

Cardin, who also is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued this statement:

“Sunday’s vote was a day of destiny for Ukraine and a turning point in the nation’s effort to overcome Russia’s interference in Ukraine’s democratic development.   It also offers Ukraine a chance to turn a corner on a crippling legacy of corruption. The election also was important for the OSCE {Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe} which is undertaking massive efforts in Ukraine aimed at fostering stability and encouraging democracy in Ukraine.  These elections present an historic opportunity to build and independent, prosperous state based on the rule of law.

“I congratulate the Ukrainian people and the interim government on the conduct of yesterday’s free and fair vote.  Along with my colleague, Sen. Rob Portman, I was pleased at the opportunity to observe the elections first-hand and witness ordinary citizens who were clearly determined to freely make their choice and be stewards of their own destiny.

“At the same time, I deplore the actions of those who have deprived Ukrainians in Russian occupied Crimea and parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions in eastern Ukraine their right to vote through violence, intimidation and fear.

“Ukraine’s people have shown remarkable courage and perseverance over the last six months in the face of tremendous internal challenges and serious and ongoing external threats.  We will continue to stand by the people of Ukraine and their newly elected president as they work to overcome these challenges and forge a free, independent and democratic future.”
Preceding culled from news releases by San Diego Jewish World staff