Shalit release progress reported

CAIRO, Egypt–Hamas may soon agree to release the abducted Israel soldier Gilad Shalit. Israel’s President Shimon Peres told reporters in Cairo that progress had been made toward a prisoner swap with Hamas. “There are negotiations between the two sides. I do not think that I need to elaborate. We all know there is progress. I hope that it will lead to a positive conclusion,” Peres said. Shalit was abducted on Israeli territory in June 2006 by Hamas operatives.
The news channel ‘al-Arabiya’ quoted senior Hamas sources as saying a deal could be sealed within days, possibly in time for the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha. According to a ‘Fox News’ report, Israel has offered to release 1,000 prisoners – including 450 requested by Hamas and several who have been convicted of murder – in exchange for Shalit. Israel had earlier rejected 70 names submitted by Hamas, the report said.