Dogs parade to help Humane Society

Rescue Labradors
Rescue Labradors


By Mimi Pollack

Mimi Pollack 2015
Mimi Pollack 2015
SDHS Walk-Sophie

SAN DIEGO — Sophie was the perfect walking ad for the annual San Diego Humane Society’s Walk for Animals, held this year on May 7th. With her stylish visor, and SDHS commemorative T-shirt on, she posed for pictures with her proud parents looking on. Actually, there were tons of stylish doggies having fun at this event to celebrate our love for animals and to raise funds to ensure that homeless animals can find loving homes. There was Birdie, the bulldog, with her sunflower collar and Kiwi in her pink tutu. Then, there was Sam, a handsome Saint Bernard, with a small barrel of “brandy” around his neck.

Dogs and humans alike enjoyed the festive event which was held at Liberty Station in Point Loma. There was a morning pancake breakfast for the participants, followed by a scenic two mile walk.  There were fun filled doggie games. There was also a large Vendor Village which included other rescue organizations.

Dr. Gary Weitzman, president and CEO of the San Diego Humane Society was present and thanked everybody from the main stage where a rock band played music for all to enjoy.

SDHS walk Birdie the bulldogSDHS walk Sam


All in all, it was a successful and delightful morning to help raise money for a serious cause.

Above, from left:  Birdie,  Sam, Kiwi


Pollack is a freelance writer based in San Diego.  Weitzman, a member of the Jewish community, was previously profiled on San Diego Jewish World. See  Comments intended for publication in the space below MUST be accompanied by the letter writer’s first and last name and by his/ her city and state of residence (city and country for those outside the United States.)