Humoring the Headlines: July 18, 2016

The Republican National Convention

By Laurie Baron

Laurie Baron
Laurie Baron

rnc logoSAN DIEGO — The convention logo is supposed to symbolize the GOP elephant standing on an electric guitar from Cleveland’s Rock N Roll Hall of Fame, but if you cut off the guitar’s tuning headstock, it profiles a big weasel getting ready to bite the elephant.


Make America Traif Again.  Michele Bachmann previewed this convention theme when she told a Christian evangelical radio host that Donald Trump “gets and understands religious liberty.  He once said, ‘I don’t understand, when I was growing up, everybody said Merry Christmas. Even my Jews would say Merry Christmas.’”


Despite the recent wave of shootings in the United States, Governor Kasich refused A request by the Cleveland Police Department to suspend open carry laws in Cleveland during the convention.  Sounds like the Police understand how easily open carry can escalate into open fire.


Melania Trump addressed the convention and praised her husband for being “a great leader.  She  remarked, “As you may know by now, when you are talking, he will punch back 10 times harder,”  If that’s what he does just to people who talk to him, imagine what he’ll do to protesters opposed to his policies if he becomes president.


The first night of speeches featured two survivors of the Benghazi attack who summarized the film 13 Hours for those who haven’t seen it or read the numerous and voluminous Congressional Reports on Benghazi, all of which failed to uncover any evidence that Hillary Clinton issued a “stand down” order to them and other military personnel in response to the attack.


Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University.  He may be contacted via   San Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally.