Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, January 21, 1955, Part 2

Compiled by San Diego Jewish World staff

Linda Solof Betrothed to Bruce O. Witte
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 2

Linda Solof

Mr. and Mrs. A. Louis Solof announce the engagement of their daughter Linda Harriet to Bruce O. Witte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Witte.

Linda, a student at U.C.L.A. passed the traditional box of candy at the Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. She is a native San Diegan and a graduate of San Diego High School. For five years Linda was a columnist for the Jewish Press, keeping the community up-to-date on teenage activities. (“Linda’s Lookout”.)

Bruce, a graduate of S.D. State College, was one of the organizers and first President of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity on the college campus.  He was also graduated from Hoover High School. Bruce served I the Air Force and is now a Lt. in the Reserve.

An early Spring wedding has been planned.

Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 2

In celebration of his Bar Mitzvah on January 14th, Michael Bennett will entertain friends Saturday evening at a Dinner-Dance, to be held at the San Diego Hotel.

Mrs. Ann Peckarsky is busy these days showing off San Diego to her sister, Mrs. Pearl Ginsberg of Milwaukee.  Mrs. Ginsberg will be a house guest at the home of her niece and nephew Ruth and Bill Colt.

The Press received a friendly letter from Miss Kay Sylvia Bergman, renewing her subscription for two years. She sends her regards to all her San Diego friends and would like to hear from some of them.  Her present address is 5815 S. Vicente Blvd, Los Angeles 19.

Pearl and George Martin left, via train, to attend the Convention of the National Association of Home Builers in Chicago. They went East last Thursday and plan to be away at least ten days.

The family of Harry Cohn wish to thank their many friends for the thoughtfulness shown to them during their recent bereavement.

The Sam Cohens and the Irving Kahns have promised to make another attempt to go East in the near future. The Press is sorry that bad weather prevented their making the trip we sent them in a recent edition.
Sid Fleischman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fleischman, has been legally adopted by Hollywood.  He has just signed a seven year contract with the producing company of Bat-Jac and at the present time he is working on the script of “Goodbye My Lady”, starring Lauren Bacall. Sid an his family will make their new home in Santa Monica.

Today Dr. and Mrs. David Miller will also leave for a Convention.  They will attend the American College of Surgeons’ Convention, to be held in Palm Springs, on January 22nd.  By the way, we hope you didn’t miss Dr. Miller when he appeared on TV as one of the Board of experts.

Dr. and Mrs. Werner Lehmann entertained friends at a cocktail party held on January 14th, at the Admiral Kidd Officers Club.
Burton Nestor, who is recuperating from a recent appendectomy, wishes to thank his friends for their good wishes.

Returning to make their home in San Diego are Dr. and Mrs. Albert Klug (Shirley Berenson) and their young son.

Dr. Klug has opened offices for the practice of medicine in San Diego.


Mr. and Mrs. Sol Stone wish to thank their many friends for the kindness shown them during Mrs. Stone’s recent illness.

Arthur Neumann Wedding Announced
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 2

Al and Rose Neumann announce the marriage of their son, Arthur, to Marilyn Fladdel, daughter of MR. and Mrs. Jack Fladdel, of Brooklyn. The wedding was held on December 25 in Brooklyn, N.Y.

The young couple will make their home in San Diego. Arthur will continue his studies at State College.

Starr-Fern Wedding
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 2

Announcement has been made of the wedding of Rachel Fern, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jos. Fern of Elizabeth, N.J., to Marshall Starr, son of the late Isadore Starr and Mrs. I. Starr of San Diego. The weding will be held on January 23rd, at 7 p.m. in the Avon Mansion, in Newark, N.J. Rabbi Abraham Zigelman will officiate.

Attendants will be Helen Josen, maid of honor and Phyllis Fern, bridesmaid.  Ushers will be Bob and Hyman Grossman, Robert and Michael Hecht, Irving Ditchik and William Fern.

Marshall Starr attended San Diego State College and is now in business for himself. The couple will reside in San Diego.

San Diegans who will attend the wedding in New Jersey are Mrs. Isidore Starr and Mrs. Jos. Silverman.

Richard Miller Bar Mitzvah
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 2

Dr. and Mrs. David Miller announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Richard Elihu, on Saturday, January 29th, 9:30 a.m., at Tifereth Israel Synagogue.  Kiddush will follow the service.  Members of the family extend an invitation to friends to join them on this happy occasion. (Invitations are not being mailed.)

On January 28th, Richard will conduct the Friday evening service. His parents will hostess the Oneg Shabbot.

Grandparents Dr. and Mrs. Louis Victor and Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller of Boston, are planning to attend the Bar Mitzvah.



Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 2

Friends who phoned the Irving Stones on Sunday, Jan. 9th, to congratulate them on their Wedding Anniversary, learned that the family was celebrating the “Happy Birthday” of Leonard Paul, who had arrived at 2:33 p.m. that day.

Red haired, blue eyed, Lenny tipped the scales at 8 lbs, 10 ozs.  His teen-age sisters, Joan and Martha, are eager baby sitters.

Maternal grandmother is MRs. Martha M. Taylor of San Diego, paternal grandmother is Mrs. G. Stone of New York City.

The Bris was held on Sunday, Jan. 1`6th, with Rabbi Morton J. Cohn officiating.

Bar Mitzvah
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 2

Mr. and MRs. Reuben Aved are proud to announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Donald, at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 22nd, at Tifereth Israel Synagogue.  Chaplain E.H. Rickel will officiate.

Kiddush and a reception will follow the services. All their friends are cordially invited to attend.

Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 2

Secretary Wanted – Knowledge of Bookkeeping, Interesting Position.  Apply Jewish Social Service Ageny, 333 Plaza. BE 2-5172.

Women Wanted—Make extra money. Address, mail postcards, spare time every week. BICO, 143, Belmont, Mas.

Man Available—For gardening… trucking service…Pick up and Delivery… Call after 5 p.m.  BE 9-5788.

Art Teacher – B.A. desires work in Art, Nursery or related fields. – Tel AC-3-7394.

Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 2

23rd—Sun.,m “Monte Carlo Nite,” Tifereth Israel Center.  Starts at 2 p.m.
24th—Mon, 7:15 p.m.  Boys Club presents Al Kaye, sportscaster, Community Center.
24th—Mon, 6:00 p.m. AZA Dinner, S.D. Hotel
25th—Tues, 8 p.m., Fox Lodge installation, Beth Jacob Center.
26th—Wed. eve., “Mr. Hadassah” Night.  Dinner and Fashion Show, Mission Valley Club.
30th—Sun., Pioneer Women Annual Bazaar. Beth Jacob Center

4th—Fri, 7:30 p.m., Temple Beth Israel Dedication Services
6th—Sun, from 3:30 p.m. to midnight – “Country Fair.” Beth Israel Sisterhood—American Legion Hall.

A.Z.A. To Hold Installation Jan 24

Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 2

On Monday, Jan. 24th, at 6 p.m. at the San Diego Hotel, the A.Z.A. boys will hold a pre-Installation Dinner for their incoming officers. Later that evening, 8:30 p.m., at the regular meeting of Lasker Lodge at Temple Center, they will hold their formal installation.

Those to be installed are Pres., Steve Goldfab; Vice Pres – Alvin Cohen; Recording Secy’y, Allan Friedman; Corresponding Sec’y, Jack Sharpe; Treasurer, Ronnie Doctor; Reporter, Pete Colt, Sgt. At Arms, Mark Ulansky;  Asst Sgt at Arms, Stan Ornstein; Pledge Master, Eddie Naiman; Chaplain, Stan Breitbard.

The public is cordially invited to attend.

Bloch’s “Shelomo” To Be Played By Piatigorsky
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 3

A performance by Gregor Piatigorsky of Ernest Bloch’s best known work, the “Schelomo” Rhapsody for cello and orchestra, will highlight the program when the world famed cellist appears as guest soloist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, Sunday evening, at 8:30 in Russ Auditorium.

Piatigorsky’s local engagement is one of his first since his return to the concert stage following an extensive European tour.  During this tour, when he boarded a plane to leave Israel, the entire Israel Philharmonic Orchestra went to the airport to bid him farewell.  The cellist had played 17 concerts in Israel including several with the orchestra, and he turned all of his fees into the pension fund for the orchestra. As a gesture of gratitude the musicians filled the airplane cabin with flowers.

Wallenstein, who will be on the podium Sunday night, has also programmed Barber’s “Overture To The School for Scandal,” Borodin’s “Polovtsian Dancers” from “Prionce Igor,” Berlioz’ “Symphanie Fantastique” and Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 7.”

The orchestra’s Sunday concert is the second in its current series. Tickets are available at Palmer Box Office, 640 Broadway.
Solomon To Play At Russ Jan. 28
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 3

Although he first visited America in 1926, the eminent British pianist, Solomon, who returns to San Diego for the first time in two years on Friday evening, January 28th, in Russ Auditorium, was not introduced to California concert-goers until 1951 when he was brought to Los Angeles by Moss and Hayman.

Enthusiastic response was immediate and Solomon returned to California, playing to sold-out houses in 1952 and again in 1953. The key to the deep enjoyment he gives his audiences may be found in the statement of one reviewer. “He plays with the ecstasy of a man who hugely loves what he is doing.”

Solomon’s 1955 concert tour in California is again under the Moss and Hayman management.

Tickets are on sale at the Palmer Box Office, 640 Broadway.  Phone Belmont 9-4700.

First Auto Show Set For S.D. Feb. 2-6
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 3

The first Auto Show in 22 years will open in San Diego at the Electric Bldg on Feb. 2-6, according to the Motor Car Dealers’ Association.

The International Show will have more than 100 cars including many experimental models coasting as high as $25,000.  Entertainment will be provided from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. nightly. 

Tickets will be available at the Electric Building, Balboa Park.

Palmer Box Office
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 3

Palmer Box Office has opened auxiliary box offices at Taylors, 1146 Orange Ave., Coronado, HE 4-5361, and Coles, 7871 Ivanhoe Ave., La Jolla, GL 4-4766.  Main office is still at 640 Broadway.

Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 3

Prejudice has always been the greatest obstacle to progress.

Worth Reading
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 4

“In our tradition, it is neither ruler nor politician, neither soldier nor merchant who represents the ideal. The ideal is represented by the teacher – that is to say, the person who is able through his work and his employ, to reach the intellectual, moral and artistic life of his people.

“This involves a definite renunciation of what is commonly called materialism. The idea is that human beings can attain a worthy and harmonious life only if they are able to rid themselves, within the limits of human nature, of the striving for wish-fulfillments of the material kind.  The goal is to raise the spiritual level of society.” – Albert Einstein

Hadassah To Hold Rummage Sale
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 4

Mrs. Alfred Solomon, Rummage Sale Chairman, has an active committee composed of Hadassah members serving as her Co-Chairman for the gigantic Rummage Sale to be held on February 1st through 4th at 2870 National Avenue with working hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Co-Chairmen include Mmes. Leonard Pearl, Jack Brisker, Sydney Segal and Leon Solomon.

Do you have rummage?  If so, call Mrs. Solomon at Academy 3-8512 or Mrs. Pearl at Atwater 1-3289 and a fast delivery car will pick it up for you. Clean out your attic!  Clean out your garage. There’s money in them thar discards for Hadassah.

Attention! Blue Jean and Pinafore Set
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 4

Superman—George Reeves – motion picture and T.V. Star has taken over National Sponsorshnip of the Children’s Crusade for the Leukemia Wing at the City of Hope.

Superman urges all of you children who would like to become members of his club to have your parents and grandparents send donations of $1.00 or more to:

City of Hope
Duarte, California

You will then receive a special Superman Button to wear and a membership card signed by Superman.

Jewish Community Center Use Increased
Southwestern Jewish Press, January 21, 1955, Page 4

Mr. Edward A. Breitbard, president of the Jewish Community Center noted the increased Center activities during the past year of 1954 in his annual report given to the Center membership. 

1.  In 1954 an average of 54 different activity groups per month used the Center as compared to 34 in 1953, an increase of more than 50 percent. The number of sessions jumped to 1582 in 1954 from 952 in 1953.  The attendance was raised to 36,507 from 28,701 of 1953.

2.  232 campers participated in 5300 camper days during the summer day Camp Jaycee. It may be noted that 27 youngsters received a total of 595 free camper days.

3. An original musical play was put on by the teen-agers, the young married couples organized a very successful Community Center Couples Club and the women organized a Center Women’s League which sparked outstanding social, cultural and fund-raising Center activities.

4.  More than 100 volunteers participated in a Center self-study which highlighted the need for adequate Center facilities and indicated that 90 percent of the Jewish population were ready to assist in the Center development.

5. $105,000 was raised in two building fund dinner meetings.

6.  In concluding, Mr. Breitbard thanked all who helped improve the center program and indicated with such team work, an adequate Center facility with an outstanding program could be developed within a short period of time.

“Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history.  To find stories on specific individuals or organizations, type their names in our search box.