(Editor’s Note: In the following letter, ‘Lone Soldier’ refers to soldiers who immigrate to Israel without their families, and who thus are without the support groups other soldiers enjoy in their off hours or on leave.)
Editor, San Diego Jewish World
I am writing to tell you about a very special organization in Israel, and ask for your support.
I am sure you all heard about Michael Levine, the lone soldier who made aliyah from the US and was killed in the Lebanon war.
He was my husband Ezzy’s good friend serving in the IDF.
In his memory, Tziki Aud started the Lone Soldier Center.
Tziki on his own had been helping lone soldiers for decades, singlehandedly, and so felt the need to give more support.
The center is now run entirely by ex lone soldier volunteers in four Israeli cities.
Ezzy runs the center in Haifa, between studying, home, etc. The other centers are also run in the same way by students, and working young people. Totally volunteer based!
What does the center do?
· Guides soldiers through the enlisting process, one on one.
· Helps navigate through the bureaucracy, and act as a voice for these guys and girls, some of whom don’t really speak Hebrew.
· Helps deal with mistreatment and other problems in the army
· Arranges a place to live, a place to eat, a place to work before or after the army, or whatever is needed, all one on one.
· Arranges needed furniture.
There are so many more projects being started as we speak!
And all this within under 2 years!
So – where do you come in?
Tziki Aud, the founder, is coming to San Diego to fund-raise at the end of September.
I would like to help by arranging through your readers a few private meetings and speaking events in San Diego – for community, in homes, for senior citizens, for youth, etc.
The event could be about Lone Soldiers in Israel and about Zionism today, with an amazing video about Michael Levine.
The speaking tour will help fund the center for next year, as funding is very much needed to keep these projects alive.
Everyone should know – 100% of profits go directly to lone soldiers in need!!!!
Of course, it is also an opportune time of year for tzedaka.
Anyone willing to help in San Diego, please contact my mother Judith Landau, at judithl@gmail.com
Thanks!! Yashar Koach!
Michal Landau-Morgenstern
Ex-Lone Soldier, now Captain serving in IDF