Mass shofar blowing on Tuesday will call for peace

LA JOLLA (Press Release)–Members of the San Diego Israel Coalition will gather at Congregation Beth El Tuesday for a 10 a.m demonstration that the Jewish community supports peace in the Middle East.

The theme will be sounded with a mass shofar-blowing in the courtyard of the Conservative congregation at 8660 Gilman Drive.

“The shofar is the most common symbol of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year and beginning of the High Holiday season, which begins at sunset Wednesday September 8,” said Audrey Jacobs, a co-chair of the San Diego Israel Coalition. 

“Jews blow the shofar on Rosh Hashanah as a spiritual and intellectual ‘wake up’ call to examine our actions, and commit to personal improvement in the new year.  The SDIC ‘Shofar for Israel’ gathering is a symbolic call to all people of goodwill here, in the Middle East and around the world to renew our commitment and efforts to pursue peace in the Middle East in the coming year. ”

Preceding based on material provided by the San Diego Israel Coalition