New outcry as Trump tweets mock video showing him beating up CNN stand-in

WASHINGTON — First lady Melania Trump has said that when her husband, Donald, is attacked, he will “punch back 10 times harder.” On Sunday, President Trump put those pugilistic instincts on display for all the world to see, circulating a doctored video clip that showed him physically attacking a crudely rendered stand-in for CNN, then walking…

1 thought on “New outcry as Trump tweets mock video showing him beating up CNN stand-in”

  1. A letter of July 3, 1776, which John Adams wrote to Abigail Adams, says U.S. independence “ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade.” Today, a movement to make workers more dependent on their employers and less free to advance their careers disregards the Declaration of Independence. “The American freedom to choose one’s employment is as old as the nation. ‘Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ are ‘unalienable rights’ spelled out in the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence.”

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