Cailin Acosta

In Memory of My Saba: Setting the Stage for Yehuda’s Kingship

Shabbat Vayigash 5784 By Rabbi Daniel Reich LA JOLLA, California — Parshat Vayigash continues from where we left off last week, as Yehuda confronts Yoseph in the aftermath of the stolen goblet incident that led to Binyamin’s imprisonment. The narrative carefully retraces the sequence of events, beginning with Yoseph’s peculiar interest in their family. Yehuda makes […]

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Daniel Reich-Rabbi, Jewish Religion

Momentum Brings 13 Parents From California to Israel for Solidarity Mission

JERUSALEM (Press Release) — Momentum, a global movement that inspires Jewish women to connect with Israel and their Jewish values, worked in partnership with the Ministry for Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism to bring 13 parents — both mothers and fathers — from California on a volunteer solidarity mission to Israel as a way for

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California, Israel, USA

The Garden of Eden

By Gedaliah Borvick JERUSALEM — Eden Hills is an exciting new yishuv that is finally welcoming its first residents. The opportunity to live in a small-town setting in nature, yet close to the communal infrastructure of Beit Shemesh, has made Eden Hills a destination for many families. Eden Hills’ history is fascinating. Back in 1990,

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Gedaliah Borvick, Israel, Travel and Food

Governor Newsom Urged to Adopt the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism

(Press Release) Twenty organizations are urging Governor Gavin Newsom to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism, which they say is critical for the state to effectively counter antisemitism. The campaign, led by JIMENA (Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa), commends Governor Newsom for his past efforts addressing antisemitism and

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California, Israel, USA

Satire: Potpourri

By Laurie Baron SAN DIEGO — A Brooklyn man was convicted of robbing a matzah factory.  He was sentenced to eight years in Unleavenworth. Donald Trump denied charges that he had read Mein Kampf or plagiarized from Hitler when he declared that migrants were poisoning the blood of the United States.  He reminded his MAGA

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Lawrence Baron, Trivia, Humor & Satire

Parashat Vayigash: Elevating Our Lives to a New Level

By Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D. SAN DIEGO — In the midst of the formidable challenges that we’re grappling with, especially since October 7th, it’s high time for a profound, spiritual awakening. This week’s parasha, Vayigash, unfolds with captivating lessons that beckon us to elevate our lives to a whole new level. Drawing inspiration from the

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Jewish Religion, Michael Mantell

Eva Longoria Named Recipient of Inclusion Award From Jewish Organization

BOSTON (Press Release) — The Ruderman Family Foundation, a Jewish organization, announced Monday that award-winning actress, director, producer, entrepreneur, and activist Eva Longoria is the recipient of its 2023 Morton E. Ruderman Award in Inclusion. The Foundation, which has spent more than two decades advocating for and advancing the inclusion of people with disabilities throughout

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Theatre, Film & Broadcast, USA

Reflections of a Jewish Santa Claus

By Eric George Tauber CINCINNATI, Ohio — We all know the “December Dilemma.” Finding decorations, music, cards, and garments for Chanukah often requires special effort — whereas that other holiday is so ubiquitous, it’s overwhelming. Every street twinkles with colored lights. Every shop and restaurant is adorned with pine and holly, and carols ring from

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Eric George Tauber, Jewish Religion, Opinion

Difficult Times

By Dorothea Shefer-Vanson MEVASSERET ZION, Israel — It is hard to write about what’s happening in Israel at the moment. First of all, we keep being told that the IDF is advancing and succeeding in wiping out the Hamas organization whose terrorists invaded Israel a few weeks ago, wreaking havoc in an orgy of bestiality,

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Dorothea Shefer-Vanson, Israel, Opinion

When Antisemitism Finally Hits Home

By Bruce S. Ticker PHILADELPHIA — I was as shocked!…shocked! as actor Claude Rains’ French police chief when he learned that gambling was going on at Rick’s Café in “Casablanca.” Antisemitism struck within walking distance of home in Philadelphia’s Somerton section on Wednesday morning. City police responded to reports of swastikas in white spray paint

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Bruce Ticker, California, Israel, Opinion, USA