Cailin Acosta

Book Provides More Complete Picture of Concentration Camp Life

“Never Forget Your Name: The Children of Auschwitz,” by Alwin Meyer; English version Polity Press (c) 2022; ISBN 13:978-1-5095-4550-6; 496 pages. By Sandra Scheller CHULA VISTA, California — In 1971, 21-year-old Alwin Meyer made his first trip to the Auschwitz concentration camp, not as a relative of a survivor but as a German observer. He

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Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Holocaust, International, Jewish History, Sandra Scheller

Jewish Congressional Candidate Adam Schindler: ‘I Want to Fight for People’

SAN DIEGO (Press Release) — Scientist and public health advocate Adam Schindler announced on January 12 that he is running for U.S. House of Representatives in California’s 50th Congressional District. Schindler, a San Diego resident and father, is challenging incumbent Scott Peters because Peters receives campaign contributions from corporations and opposed legislation that would have

Jewish Congressional Candidate Adam Schindler: ‘I Want to Fight for People’ Read More »

San Diego County

University of San Diego’s Nonprofit Institute Honors Jewish Family Service of San Diego with Kaleidoscope Award for Good Governance

SAN DIEGO (Press Release) — Jewish Family Service of San Diego (JFS), one of San Diego’s largest and most impactful nonprofit agencies, has received the 2022 Kaleidoscope Award for Good Governance by The Nonprofit Institute at the University of San Diego, in the large organization category – reserved for nonprofits with an annual budget of

University of San Diego’s Nonprofit Institute Honors Jewish Family Service of San Diego with Kaleidoscope Award for Good Governance Read More »

San Diego County

Why Is There Suffering in the World?

By Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin BOCA RATON, Florida — Bart Denton Ehrman, born on 10/5/55, a PhD American New Testament scholar and author or editor of several dozen very popular, fascinating, and informative books, began life as a fundamentalist Christian, became a minister, and preached in churches. But he gave up Christianity and became an

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Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish Religion

Another Desperate — and Fake — Israeli Apartheid Report Readied for the Airwaves

(c) By Edwin Black Amnesty International is attempting to bomb the world’s airwaves, news sites, and printing presses with yet another fake Israeli apartheid report. Last week, in an extraordinary move of attempted media synchrony, Amnesty actually pre-positioned an embargoed press release emblazoned with a bright red instruction to editors “Under Strict Embargo until 1

Another Desperate — and Fake — Israeli Apartheid Report Readied for the Airwaves Read More »

Edwin Black, International, Middle East, Opinion

Israeli Attorney General’s Term-Ending Plea (Bargain) Spree

By Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D JERUSALEM — Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandleblit is coming to the end of his term. And he’s finishing it with a number of plea bargains. One has been with Ariyeh Deri. He’s pleading guilty to tax fraud, paying a fine of 180,000 shekels ($56,615) resigning from the Knesset, but avoiding a

Israeli Attorney General’s Term-Ending Plea (Bargain) Spree Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, Opinion

Groundbreaking Israeli Study Challenges Fundamental Understanding of Evolution

HAIFA (Press Release) — A new study by a team of researchers from Israel and Ghana has brought the first evidence of nonrandom mutation in human genes, challenging a core assumption at the heart of evolutionary theory by showing a long-term directional mutational response to environmental pressure. Using a novel method, researchers led by Professor

Groundbreaking Israeli Study Challenges Fundamental Understanding of Evolution Read More »

Middle East, Science, Medicine, & Education

Book Expands Cerebral Understanding of the Jewish Faith

“The Foundation of Judaism,” by Akiva Aaronson (originally published by Targum Press, Inc. 1997, 2000); Feldheim Publishers, 2021; ISBN: 978-1680254815; 216 pages. By Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D. SAN DIEGO — I just finished composing my weekly D’var Torah on parashat Terumah, focusing on gifts, and a surprise parcel arrived at my front door. A delightful

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Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Jewish Religion, Michael Mantell

Did Maimonides Believe That God Produces Miracles?

By Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin BOCA RATON, Florida — I was requested to write on the question, “Did Maimonides believe that God produces miracles?” This question has been debated for centuries. I will give the ideas held by those who state that Maimonides contended that God does not perform miracles. To understand this view, one

Did Maimonides Believe That God Produces Miracles? Read More »

Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish Religion

‘The Jews of Sing Sing:’ Understanding Why Some Jews Fell Into Crime

“The Jews of Sing Sing,” by Ron Arons; Barricade Books, 2008; ISBN 978-1569803332; 384 pages. By Eva Trieger SOLANA BEACH, California — Back in 1965, I remember sitting on the stoop of the bungalow in Far Rockaway, and hearing my Pop Pop and his brothers-in-law kibitzing about the gonif who broke into his butcher shop

‘The Jews of Sing Sing:’ Understanding Why Some Jews Fell Into Crime Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Eva Trieger, International

Book Provides an Ideological Scaffolding of Jewish Life

“Why Do Jewish? A Manifesto for 21st Century Jewish Peoplehood,” by Zack Bodner; Gefen Publishing, Jerusalem, ©2022; ISBN 978-965-7023-68-6; 196 pages, plus references and index; $18.00. By Fred Reiss, Ed.D. WINCHESTER, California – Prognostication is very difficult, particularly as it pertains to the future. Zack Bodner, having extensive background in Jewish communal life and currently

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Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Fred Reiss, EdD, Judaism

Program Showcases San Diego Jewish Community’s Poetic Talent

By Eileen Wingard LA JOLLA, California —The poetic talent in the San Diego Jewish Community was once more on display last Monday evening, January 24, when three featured poets and nine others on open mic read their works during the “Jewish Poets-Jewish Voices” program. Sponsored by the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center’s Astor Judaica Library

Program Showcases San Diego Jewish Community’s Poetic Talent Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Eileen Wingard