Cailin Acosta

New Book Provides Up-Close Look at North American Jewish Day Schools

(Press Release) — Readers get an up-close look at nine different Jewish day schools across North America — including two in California — in a new book, Inside Jewish Day Schools: Leadership, Learning, and Community, co-authored by Alex Pomson, PhD, Principal and Managing Director at Rosov Consulting, and Jack Wertheimer, PhD, the Joseph and Martha Mendelson Professor of

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Travel and Food

‘It Began With Words’

By Ari Morgenstern (JNS) The horrors of Nazi concentration camps did not materialize from thin air. Neither did the shootings in Poway, Calif., or Pittsburgh, Pa.; nor did the hostage-taking in Colleyville, Texas. As the late Holocaust survivor and educator Irving Roth often said: “It began with words.” We must heed that warning now—here in

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Opinion, USA

California School District Adopts ‘Liberated’ Ethnic Studies Program Marked By Anti-Israel Bias

By Faygie Holt (JNS) Jewish groups in California took out a full-page ad in a local newspaper on Wednesday to voice their displeasure and concern with a school-board decision to engage an ethnic-studies curriculum for high school and middle-school students that they say will lead to hostility towards Israel and Jewish students. Appearing in the

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California, Science, Medicine, & Education, USA

Tennessee School Board Bans Holocaust-Themed Graphic Novel ‘Maus’

Published by Reuters By Steve Gorman (Reuters) – A school board in Tennessee has voted to remove the Holocaust-themed graphic novel “Maus” from its eighth-grade language arts curriculum, citing profanity and nudity contained in the Pulitzer Prize-winning work by cartoonist Art Spiegelman. The 10-0 vote by the McMinn County Board of Education in Athens, Tennessee,

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Who Should Have the Final Say on Acceptance Into the Baseball Hall of Fame?

By Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel CHULA VISTA, California — There is an old joke that most rabbis probably know: From where in the Torah do we know that God is a great baseball fan? The answer is simple: Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim v’et ha’aretz: In the big inning, God created heaven and the

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Jewish Religion, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi, Opinion, Sports & Competitions

Jewish Mother Leaves Iran for Lifesaving Treatment in Israel

By Maayan Hoffman (JNS) Zehava, 36, developed a rare and life-threatening gynecological disease that spread to her lungs and made it impossible for her to do the most basic tasks, like walk or go to work. The Jewish-Iranian wife and mother of two spent months isolated in a hospital in Iran, with no hope. “It

Jewish Mother Leaves Iran for Lifesaving Treatment in Israel Read More »

Middle East, Science, Medicine, & Education

Roughly One-Third of Teens in US, Canada Think Holocaust is ‘Exaggerated or Fabricated’

(JNS) Nearly 33 percent of students in elementary and high schools in the United States and Canada who participated in a new survey said they weren’t sure if the Holocaust happened, or if it did, they thought it was “exaggerated or fabricated.” Almost 3,600 North American students from grades six through 12 participated in the

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International, USA

Global Antisemitism Reaches Nearly All 10 stages of Genocide

By Kenneth L. Marcus (JNS) On Jan. 27, we commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, honoring the 6 million Jews killed in the Nazi genocide, as well as the millions of other victims who were persecuted during that era. This remembrance will be meaningless, however, if we do not seriously consider the gathering threat faced by

Global Antisemitism Reaches Nearly All 10 stages of Genocide Read More »

International, Middle East, Opinion, USA

Hillel International and Repair Campus Corps Program Provide Thousands of Students With Service Opportunities

(Press Release) — In addition to the long history of collaboration between Repair the World and Hillel International, Jeremy Cronig (he/him), now Hillel’s Civic Engagement and Social Impact Program Manager, says the partnership has helped Hillel navigate questions they faced about the future of the organization and service opportunities. “Even before COVID, we were thinking

Hillel International and Repair Campus Corps Program Provide Thousands of Students With Service Opportunities Read More »

Science, Medicine, & Education, USA