Cailin Acosta

A Clear, Readable, Engaging Guide to Maimonides

Maimonides’ Hidden Torah Commentary — Exodus 22-40 by Rabbi Michael Leo Samuel; First Edition Design Publishing 2021; ‎ISBN: 9781506-904610; 386 pages; $24.95. By Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin BOCA RATON, Florida — “Maimonides’ Hidden Torah Commentary — Exodus 22-40″ is a very informative book. Rabbi Michael Leo Samuel, spiritual leader of Temple Beth Shalom in Chula […]

A Clear, Readable, Engaging Guide to Maimonides Read More »

Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish Religion

‘Dancing Lessons:’ Finding Common Ground and Honoring Each Other

By Eva Trieger SOLANA BEACH, California — They’re back! They’re back! I’ve just come from North Coast Rep’s production of Mark St. Germain’s “Dancing Lessons.” This piece was superbly directed by Richard Baird, and enacted by Christopher Williams and Leilani Smith. Baird has appeared on stage in many excellent North Coast plays, but he is

‘Dancing Lessons:’ Finding Common Ground and Honoring Each Other Read More »

Eva Trieger, San Diego County, Theatre, Film & Broadcast

Jewish Voters Seen as Crucial Bloc in California Recall Election

By Dmitriy Shapiro (JNS) Despite the odds that California’s embattled Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom will defeat an effort to recall him on Tuesday, Democratic organizations, including the Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) and the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA), as well as the party’s leading politicians are not taking the race for granted. U.S.

Jewish Voters Seen as Crucial Bloc in California Recall Election Read More »


Egypt’s president stresses calm between Palestinians and Israel

Published by DPA Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi stressed the need to maintain calm between Palestinians and Israel following talks with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Monday, according to the Egyptian presidency website. It was the first time in 10 years that an Israeli prime minister was an official guest of Egypt. “The president

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Middle East

UC San Diego Announces 2021-2022 Holocaust Living History Workshop Series

LA JOLLA, California (Press Release) — The University of California San Diego’s Holocaust Living History Workshop (HLHW) is returning this fall with a yearlong series of seven lectures that underscore the theme “Beyond the Great Silence: The Holocaust in Art, Memory, and Life.” Now in its 13th year as a collaborative project between the UC San Diego

UC San Diego Announces 2021-2022 Holocaust Living History Workshop Series Read More »

Jewish History, San Diego County

Capitol Police Arrest Oceanside Man ‘On Patrol’ in Truck Decorated with Swastikas

By Chris Jennewein SAN DIEGO — U.S. Capitol Police arrested an Oceanside man early Monday who allegedly was carrying a bayonet and machete in his truck near the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington. “This is good police work plain and simple,” said Chief Tom Manger. “We applaud the officers’ keen observation and the teamwork

Capitol Police Arrest Oceanside Man ‘On Patrol’ in Truck Decorated with Swastikas Read More »

San Diego County

Iran’s Strategy Works

By Steve Kramer KFAR SABA, Israel — While the U.S. and the Europeans dawdle and vacillate at the JCPOA (Iran nuclear agreement) meetings – or non-meetings – in Vienna, Iran gets ever closer to nuclear weapons capability. This situation is very dangerous to Israel and the West. Europe and the U.S. are oblivious to this,

Iran’s Strategy Works Read More »

Middle East, Steve Kramer, USA

‘Cholent Festival’ Brings Jewish Culture to Hungary Via Food, Music, Traditions

By Eliana Rudee (JNS) Thousands of people took part in the Sixth Hungarian ‘Cholent Festival’ (“Sólet” in Hungarian) at the Újbuda outdoor theater in Budapest before the start of the High Holidays, organized by the Chabad Lubavitch organization Association of Hungarian Jewish Communities (EMIH). Jews and non-Jews alike gathered for the Aug. 29 festival, which

‘Cholent Festival’ Brings Jewish Culture to Hungary Via Food, Music, Traditions Read More »

International, Music, Dance, and Visual Arts, Travel and Food

Editorial: Don’t parole Sirhan Sirhan. The murder of Robert F. Kennedy was an assault on democracy

Published by The San Diego Union-Tribune Early in the morning of June 5, 1968, during an event at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles marking his victory in the California presidential primary the day before, Robert F. Kennedy was shot three times by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian immigrant with Jordanian citizenship whose diary detailed a

Editorial: Don’t parole Sirhan Sirhan. The murder of Robert F. Kennedy was an assault on democracy Read More »