Theatre, Film & Broadcast

‘Laverne & Shirley’ star David L. Lander, aka Squiggy, dies at 73

David L. Lander, the Jewish comic actor best known for his over-the-top portrayal of 1950s greaser Squiggy on “Laverne & Shirley,” has died at the age of 73. Lander passed away Friday from complications from multiple sclerosis at a Los Angeles hospital, his wife, Kathy, told TMZ. Variety confirmed Lander’s death on Saturday. Kathy Lander

‘Laverne & Shirley’ star David L. Lander, aka Squiggy, dies at 73 Read More »

Jewish History, Theatre, Film & Broadcast, USA

Good News from Israel (November 29, 2020)

The November 29, 2020 edition of Good News from Israel includes such stories as the following.

• An Israeli-developed eye scanner can detect early signs of Alzheimer’s.
• Israel is the top country in the world for women entrepreneurs.
• Time Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2020 include 5 Israeli innovations.
• An Israeli supermarket chain is to grow fruit and vegetables at its stores.
• The 3-day Israel-Dubai business conference was a huge success.
• An Israeli judoka won Gold in the European championships.
• A 9-year-old boy found a 1st Temple period gold bead in Jerusalem. [Michael Ordman]

Good News from Israel (November 29, 2020) Read More »

Business & Finance, International, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Lifestyles, Michael Ordman, Middle East, Science, Medicine, & Education, Sports & Competitions, The World We Share, Theatre, Film & Broadcast, USA

TV Series on Yom Kippur War drives home peace necessity

Valley of Tears, the dramatic series currently being shown on Israeli TV about events in the Golan Heights at the outbreak of the Yom Kippur war, has had me and many others spellbound each week. Although several of my friends and acquaintances have told me that they are unable to watch it as it brings back too many painful memories, I find myself compelled to watch. I quite understand their attitude, and am almost surprised at my own ability to persist through every graphic scene. I admit that I find it difficult to sleep afterwards, but some obsessive preoccupation with the events of that traumatic time brings me back to the screen every week. [Dorothea Shefer-Vanson]

TV Series on Yom Kippur War drives home peace necessity Read More »

Dorothea Shefer-Vanson, Jewish History, Middle East, Theatre, Film & Broadcast

Streaming Jewish Programs (Nov. 29-Dec. 4, 2020)

Following are programs of scholarly and popular Jewish interest that can be accessed via the Internet from Nov. 29 through Dec. 4, 2020.  All times are Pacific Standard Time. [Laurie Baron, Ph.D]

Streaming Jewish Programs (Nov. 29-Dec. 4, 2020) Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, International, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Lawrence Baron, Lifestyles, Middle East, Music, Dance, and Visual Arts, San Diego County, Theatre, Film & Broadcast, Travel and Food, USA

‘A Paris Love Story’ is an Art de Triumph

A Paris Love Story, Hershey Felder’s one-man play, streamed from Florence, Italy, takes its place beside his other memorable dramas with music based on the lives of famous composers. This time, the main character is the French Impressionist, Claude Debussy. In addition to the life of Debussy, Felder manages to weave two additional threads into the story, his personal Paris Odyssey, pursuing Debussy’s footsteps, and Felder’s love for the City of Lights. Much of the story takes place as the 19- year-old Felder strolls along the Champs Ellysees, and the Seine River, to beyond the Arc de Triomphe, in pursuit of the residence where Debussy once lived. [Eileen Wingard]

‘A Paris Love Story’ is an Art de Triumph Read More »

Eileen Wingard, Music, Dance, and Visual Arts, Theatre, Film & Broadcast

San Diego Dems Endorse Montgomery Steppe for City Council President

By a 4-1 margin, members of the San Diego Democratic Central Committee endorsed City Councilwoman Monica Montgomery Steppe to serve as the next president of the San Diego City Council, rejecting the candidacy of  her fellow Democrat, Dr. Jennifer Campbell.  Montgomery Steppe represents the 4th Council District, and Campbell represents the 2nd District.

The vote Tuesday night came after Montgomery Steppe was endorsed by Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, Councilwoman Vivian Moreno, and outgoing Council President Georgette Gomez, The Voice of San Diego reported. [Donald H. Harrison]

San Diego Dems Endorse Montgomery Steppe for City Council President Read More »

Donald H. Harrison, International, Jewish History, San Diego County, Theatre, Film & Broadcast, USA

Israel demands CNN anchor apologise after comparing Trump years to Kristallnacht

Israel has demanded that a CNN anchor apologises for comparing US President Donald Trump’s actions to the Nazi pogrom against Germany’s Jews in 1938, also known as the Kristallnacht.”This week 82 years ago, Kristallnacht happened,” Christiane Amanpour said in a live broadcast on CNN on Thursday. “It was the Nazis’ warning shot across the bow

Israel demands CNN anchor apologise after comparing Trump years to Kristallnacht Read More »

International, Jewish History, Middle East, Theatre, Film & Broadcast, USA

SD Rep Lineup: Strom, Feldshuh, Felder

The San Diego Repertory Company is presenting two remarkable virtual music events this month.

JFest (Lipinsky Jewish Arts Festival) will be hosting  the 19th Annual Klezmer Summit at 7 p.m., Thursday evening, Nov. 19  featuring Yale Strom’s band, Hot Pstromi, in their first concert as a full band since the onset of Covid-19. Hershey Felder will be featured in Paris Love Story, streamed  from his home in Florence, Italy, for four performances, at 5 p.m., Sunday, Nov.22, and at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Nov. 23, through Wednesday, Nov.. 25. [Eileen Wingard]

SD Rep Lineup: Strom, Feldshuh, Felder Read More »

Eileen Wingard, Music, Dance, and Visual Arts, Theatre, Film & Broadcast

Streaming Jewish Programs (Nov. 15- 20)

Following are academic and popular programs of specific Jewish interest that may be accessed via the Internet. [Laurie Baron, Ph.D]

Streaming Jewish Programs (Nov. 15- 20) Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, International, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Lawrence Baron, Lifestyles, Middle East, Music, Dance, and Visual Arts, San Diego County, Science, Medicine, & Education, The World We Share, Theatre, Film & Broadcast, Trivia, Humor & Satire, USA

Jewish Trivia Quiz: Alex Trebek, RIP

Alex Trebek, host of Jeopardy since 1984, died this week after an 18-month battle against pancreatic cancer. The winner of seven Emmy Awards, Trebek was also known as an activist and philanthropist, supporting causes including World Vision Canada and the Alex Trebek Forum for Dialogue at the University of Ottawa. One of the fun aspects of the Jeopardy program is that on many occasions, the categories are given clever names, often with puns. Which of the following is a real Jeopardy category that contained an answer and question of Jewish content? [Mark D. Zimmerman]

Jewish Trivia Quiz: Alex Trebek, RIP Read More »

Jewish History, Mark D. Zimmerman, Theatre, Film & Broadcast, Trivia, Humor & Satire