Dorian de Wind

Dorian De Wind

Dorian de Wind is a columnist for The Moderate Voicewith which San Diego Jewish World trades stories under auspices of the San Diego Online News Association.

$50 Million for Gaza Condoms? Fact Checker Very Much Doubts White House Claim!

If my math is right, $50 million would buy more than 2,400 condoms for each and every male in Gaza between the ages of 15 and 64.
That would allow the use of a condom every day, for almost seven years by every male in Gaza in that age group. A daunting task. [Dorian de Wind, The Moderate Voice]

$50 Million for Gaza Condoms? Fact Checker Very Much Doubts White House Claim! Read More »

Dorian de Wind, Israel, Middle East, The Moderate Voice, USA

The Netherlands Faces Antisemitic Echoes of its Nazi Occupation

While she has never felt the need in the past to warn her children about Jodenhaat (hate against Jews), Femmetje now realizes that they are discovering it themselves. Her oldest daughter received threatening remarks after writing about the October 7, 2023, Hamas massacre and its consequences. [Dorian de Wind]

The Netherlands Faces Antisemitic Echoes of its Nazi Occupation Read More »

Antisemitism, Dorian de Wind, International, Israel, Jewish History, The Moderate Voice

What Hitler’s General in the Netherlands Was Really Like

De Vries has every reason to express dismay about a man who admires Hitler, a man who wishes his generals were more like Hitler’s generals. For it is one of those generals, totally loyal to the Führer and blindly following his orders, who was directly responsible for the deportation of 110,000 Dutch Jews — 75 percent of the entire Dutch Jewish population at the time — to Nazi concentration camps. Only approximately 5,000 returned home alive after the war. [Dorian de Wind, The Moderate Voice]

What Hitler’s General in the Netherlands Was Really Like Read More »

Antisemitism, Dorian de Wind, Holocaust, International, Jewish History, News Media, The Moderate Voice, USA

World War II Jewish American Heroes Finally Rest under the Star of David

Its mission, “to locate Jewish personnel at American military cemeteries all over the world who, for various reasons, were buried under markers incorrectly representing their religion and heritage” and to “correct these mistakes and provide, these many decades later, comfort to the families of the fallen…” [Dorian de Wind, The Moderate Voice]

World War II Jewish American Heroes Finally Rest under the Star of David Read More »

Dorian de Wind, International, Jewish History, Obituaries & memorials, The Moderate Voice

U.S.-Built Pier and Causeway to Gaza Victim to Rough Weather

In addition to weather and sea conditions problems, JLOTS has been fraught with logistical problems, security concerns, looting of the cargo coming off the pier by desperate Palestinians. Some U.S. servicemembers have also suffered accidental injuries. [Dorian de Wind, The Moderate Voice]

U.S.-Built Pier and Causeway to Gaza Victim to Rough Weather Read More »

Dorian de Wind, Israel, Middle East, Technology, The Moderate Voice, Travel and Food, USA

Before There Was D-Day, There Was S.O.E.

In her meticulously researched and documented (80 pages of notes and references), D-Day Girls, journalist and bestselling author Sarah Rose follows a handful of these heroines through thick and thin; trough success and failure; through romances, double agents and double-crossings; through capture, imprisonment, interrogation, torture, unspeakable atrocities, sickness and even death for some. [Dorian de Wind]

Before There Was D-Day, There Was S.O.E. Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Dorian de Wind, International, The Moderate Voice

U.S. Humanitarian Dock and Causeway to Gaza Almost Complete

Joint Logistics-Over-the-Shore, or JLOTS, will consist of a floating dock about three miles off the Gaza shore, a floating pier attached to an approximately 1,800-foot-long modular causeway anchored to the shore and, finally, a group of logistic support vessels (LSVs) that will transport the aid from the dock to the pier/causeway [Dorian de Wind, The Moderate Voice]

U.S. Humanitarian Dock and Causeway to Gaza Almost Complete Read More »

Dorian de Wind, International, Israel, Middle East, The Moderate Voice, USA

Remembering and Honoring 18 Jewish Medal of Honor Recipients

The day, March 25, was selected because March 25, 1863, was the date when the first Medal of Honor was presented. It was awarded to Private Jacob Parrott for “extraordinary heroism in April, 1862, while serving in action with Company G, 21st Ohio Infantry, during the Andrew’s Raid in Georgia,” an event also known as “The Great Locomotive Chase.” [Dorian de Wind, The Moderate Voice]

Remembering and Honoring 18 Jewish Medal of Honor Recipients Read More »

Antisemitism, Dorian de Wind, Holocaust, Jewish History, The Moderate Voice, USA

Background on U.S.A’s Floating Pier for Gaza Project

According to DoD, JLOTS will include a floating pier, an approximately 1,800-foot-long modular causeway, assembled offshore and then attached to the shore, and a group of logistic support vessels and barges that will transport the aid from the pier to the causeway where the cargo would be offloaded and transported to the land and distributed to Gaza. [Dorian de Wind, The Moderate Voice]

Background on U.S.A’s Floating Pier for Gaza Project Read More »

Dorian de Wind, Israel, Technology, The Moderate Voice, USA

Unpacking the Complexities of Dutch Holocaust History

By Dorian de Wind The Moderate Voice AUSTIN, Texas — The horrors inflicted upon Dutch Jews during the Holocaust were staggeringly evil, nothing short of genocidal. When Germany invaded the Netherlands in May 1940, 140,000 Jews were living there. In September 1944, when the last transport left for the Nazi death camps, a total of

Unpacking the Complexities of Dutch Holocaust History Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Dorian de Wind, Holocaust, International

How Books Were Somehow Protected in One of Hitler’s Death Camps

By Dorian de Wind The Moderate Voice AUSTIN, Texas — If you thought that book burnings were a barbaric relic of the Middle Ages, think again. In the 1930s, in Nazi Germany, Austria and, later, in occupied territories, the Nazis conducted massive burnings of books they felt contained anti-Nazi ideology – including books written by

How Books Were Somehow Protected in One of Hitler’s Death Camps Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Dorian de Wind, Holocaust, International, Opinion