Lawrence Baron

Laurie Baron

Lawrence (Laurie) Baron, now retired, served as the Nasatir Professor of Modern Jewish History at San Diego State University. He served from 1988 to 2006 as director of SDSU’s Lipinsky Institute for Judaic Studies. He was the founder in 1995 of the Western Jewish Studies Association.

He writes two satire columns for San Diego Jewish World: “Humoring the Headlines” under his byline, and “Hounding the Headlines,” under the byline of his dog Elona.

The coronavirus pandemic in couplets

Here are some coronavirus couplets:
Nothing makes me more livid                                                                                             
Than post-opening spikes of Covid.

It’s not an oppressive task                                                                                                                                
To have to wear a mask.
(Laurie Baron, Ph.D0

The coronavirus pandemic in couplets Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Lawrence Baron, Trivia, Humor & Satire

Satire: Trumpteenth

After Donald Trump learned that the original date of his Tulsa Rally coincided with Juneteenth, he changed the date out of deference to African Americans.  Indeed, he respects their holiday so much that he plans to make June 20th a national holiday modeled after it calling it Trumpteenth.  Here are excerpts from an advance copy of his speech tomorrow: [Satire by Laurie Baron, Ph.D]

Satire: Trumpteenth Read More »

Lawrence Baron, Trivia, Humor & Satire, USA

Satire: Diversity Donald’s Virtuous Venues 

In the wake of the George Floyd protests, Donald Trump claimed he had “done more for the black community than any president since Abraham Lincoln.”  Hypersensitive to the charge of being a bigot, he has carefully selected venues for upcoming rallies to symbolize his commitment to ethnic and racial justice.  This is why he scheduled one for Tulsa on June 19th to commemorate the Juneteenth celebration of the end of slavery in the city where America’s worst race riot occurred.  Here’s  a possible campaign calendar for future campaign events targeted at ethnic and racial minorities. [Satire by Laurie Baron]

Satire: Diversity Donald’s Virtuous Venues  Read More »

Lawrence Baron, Trivia, Humor & Satire, USA