Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr.

Rabbi Israel Drazin

Dr. Israel Drazin served for 31 years in the US military and attained the rank of Brigadier General. He has a PhD in Judaic Studies and a Masters Degree in psychology and a Masters Degree in Jewish Literature. He is an attorney and a rabbi.

He developed the legal strategy that saved the military chaplaincies when its constitutionality was attacked in court, and received the Legion of Merit for his service.

Parashat Noach can be a guide to Torah reading

Why were different divine punishments done in very different ways? For example, Cain was banished in Genesis 4:12 for murdering his brother Abel; Noah’s generation was killed with flood in Genesis 6-8; Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with brimstone and fire in Genesis 19:24,  the builders of the Tower of Babel were punished by having their languages confused in Genesis 11: 7; Egyptians who enslaved Israelites died during ten plagues beginning in in Exodus 7. [Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin]

Parashat Noach can be a guide to Torah reading Read More »

Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish Religion

What is the origin of the Oral Torah?

The general scholarly and rabbinical view is that the Oral Torah blossomed during the Second Temple period, when Judeans, as Jews were called at that time, who had returned from the Babylonian exile were faced with new problems that the Torah did not address and others that were addressed but needed updating to fit the situations they found. [Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin]

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Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish History, Jewish Religion

King Solomon the not so wise

History repeats itself mostly because people fail to learn from the terrible consequences that occurred following the foolish acts of the past. The Bible tells us about the supposed wisdom of King Solomon. In my book The Authentic King Solomon, I show that actually, scripture is demonstrating that the king was not as smart as he and we think he was. In every chapter where Solomon is shown to have performed an act, it also shows, without exception, that he also acted foolishly. [Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin]

King Solomon the not so wise Read More »

International, Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish History, Middle East

Rosh Chodesh not observed as Torah commands

Like all other biblical holidays, Rosh Chodesh is not observed today as required by biblical law. This is because of changed social circumstances and because the principle element of the biblical worship was animal sacrifices, which was discontinued after the Romans destroyed the Jewish Second Temple in 70 CE. Additionally, the name of the celebration was changed from “Chodesh” to “Rosh Chodesh,” which in the Torah did not mean “New Moon,” but “First Month” and referred to the month now called Nissan when Passover occurs.

Rosh Chodesh not observed as Torah commands Read More »

Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish Religion

Difficulties, explanations regarding Kohelet

Tradition mandates that Jews should read the biblical book Kohelet, also spelt Koheleth and Qohelet, called Ecclesiastes in English, during the holiday of Sukkot. Both the Hebrew and English names mean “collector” or “collection.” We do not know why this mandate was made. Some say that since Sukkot is a very happy holiday, we need the sober thoughts of Kohelet to modify our joy and make it more reasonable. The book was considered heretical by many ancient rabbis who wanted to exclude it from the Bible.

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Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish Religion

Origins of the Sukkot holiday

Leviticus 23:40 states that the Israelites should take four species on the first day and “rejoice before the Lord your God seven days.” While the Hebrew words used for the four species are obscure, the Jewish Publication Society’s 1960 translation defines them as “the fruit of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook.” An apparently separate command in verse 42 states, “Ye shall dwell in booths seven days.” The first biblical description of the implementation of this command is in the biblical book Nehemiah. It is entirely different than the way the holiday is celebrated today. (To read more, please click on the headline.)

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Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish Religion

Two rabbinic leaders disputed Torah in ancient times

Two Talmudic sages lived around 130 CE and disagreed on how to interpret the Bible. Rabbi Akiva won out, and Rashi, Nachmanides, and most ancient Bible commentators as well as most Midrashim follow his view. Others, such as Rashi’s grandson Rashbam, Abraham ibn Ezra, and Maimonides interpret the Torah as Rabbi Ishmael did. (To read more, please click on the headline.)

Two rabbinic leaders disputed Torah in ancient times Read More »

Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish History, Jewish Religion

Yom Kippur and What the Romans Destroyed

Like Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur does not exist in the Bible. It replaces another day known as Yom Hakippurim. Yom Kippur is singular, “day of atonement,” while Yom Hakippurim is plural, “day of atonements.” The biblical Yom Hakippurim is mentioned in Leviticus 16:29–31, 23:27–32, and Numbers 29:7–11. No work was permitted on this day, special sacrifices were offered, and the Israelites were obliged to te’anu et nafshoteikhem. This  is improperly translated as “you must afflict your souls.” (To read more, please click on the headline.)

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Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish Religion

Actual year of Hebrew calendar quite debatable

Many people, secular and religious, of different cultures and worldviews, have attempted to calculate the age of the world. There is no agreement between them, simply because it is an impossible task. Christians, Muslims, and Jews have tried to do the calculation based on a literal reading of the Bible and have come up with different times. The following shows the impossibility by focusing on the widely used Jewish version.

Actual year of Hebrew calendar quite debatable Read More »

Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish Religion

Rabbi Phillips authors tome on Jewish philosophy and theology

By Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin JERUSALEM — Judaism Reclaimed: Philosophy and Theology in the Torah by Shmuel Phillips, a rabbi and lawyer with a law degree from the University of London, is a book filled with interesting information inspired by his understanding of the views of Maimonides and Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch. The book has

Rabbi Phillips authors tome on Jewish philosophy and theology Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish Religion

‘Methuselah’ offers some humorous corrections to the Bible

Excerpt: When God dictated the Bible to Moses, it was perfect – every word and every letter was flawless. But a so-called scholar Laumentenkup recopied the Bible and made many mistakes. He couldn’t see the dirt under his fingernails and drank too much fermented grape juice. Methuselah wants to correct as many errors as he can. The following are some of his corrections.

There was no snake in Eden. God created a toothless tortoise as a companion for man so he wouldn’t be lonely. When this didn’t work, God put Adam asleep and created a woman from his third tonsil and ever since then women have spoken a great deal. (Please click headline to read full story)

‘Methuselah’ offers some humorous corrections to the Bible Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Israel Drazin-Rabbi Dr., Jewish Religion