Jerry Klinger

Jerry Klinger

Jerry Klinger is the founding president of the Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation, which has placed monuments and plaques across the United States and in other countries detailing the history of Jewish individuals and communities.

National Trust to Honor Rosenwald Schools

January 13, 2021 was an extraordinary day in the history of the United States.  President Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives for the second time.  The House acted with blazing swiftness, something they almost never do. It had only been one week from when a huge mob of demonstrators attacked, penetrated, and threatened the Capitol.   As Congress voted to impeach President Trump for inciting insurrection, President Trump continued his presidential duties. He signed last-minute legislation that would positively impact the fight against antisemitism, for women’s and human rights, education, the environment, and more. One of the bills the President signed was HR 3250. It is known as the Julius Rosenwald and the Rosenwald Schools Act of 2020. [Jerry Klinger]

National Trust to Honor Rosenwald Schools Read More »

Jerry Klinger, Jewish History, USA

Rosenwald’s and Washington’s Partnership for Good

The Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation,, has funded and completed another marker it its series honoring and recognizing the Partnership for Good of Jewish philanthropist Julius Rosenwald and Black educator Booker T. Washington. Rosenwald was key to the construction of over 5,400 schools, in the 13 States of “South” for Black school children. Millions of Black Americans were significantly benefited by Rosenwald’s generosity. [Jerry Klinger]

Rosenwald’s and Washington’s Partnership for Good Read More »

Jerry Klinger, Jewish History, Science, Medicine, & Education, USA

‘We are all Jews here’

Sgt. Edmonds ordered all 1275 men to assemble for the Nazi roll call. Siegmann ordered Edmonds to single out the Jews. He refused. Siegmann put a pistol to Edmonds’ head and threatened to kill him if he did not comply to separate out the Jews. Edmonds, with cold, pure courage, told the American educated Commandant, “We are all Jews here.” He told him the war would be over soon. If he killed him, Siegmann would be tried as a War Criminal. [Jerry Klinger]

‘We are all Jews here’ Read More »

International, Jerry Klinger, Jewish History, Middle East, USA

UK celebrates Jewish fireman who saved lives during the Blitz

September 17, 1940 Errington was in the basement of an Auxiliary Fire Station in London when a bomb crashed through the building spreading death, fire and mayhem. Seven Firefighters were killed immediately. Once the daze cleared from his head a bit, Errington saw two surviving comrades trapped with him under the burning debris.  Errington freed one man, carrying him through the smoke and flames to the outside, saving the injured man. [Jerry Klinger]

UK celebrates Jewish fireman who saved lives during the Blitz Read More »

International, Jerry Klinger, Jewish History

Chronicler tells of Jewish rescuers during Holocaust

Jews who Rescued Jews During the Holocaust is an extraordinary initial publication of the compiled research of Moshe Gromb. The work is precisely summarized, factual, clinical, telling the stories of 100 of the over 2,000 harrowing stories he has collected. [Jerry Klinger]

Chronicler tells of Jewish rescuers during Holocaust Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, International, Jerry Klinger, Jewish History, Middle East

We need a memorial for Jews who saved Jews and others

Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem honors non-Jews who chose to save Jews, even at the risk of their own lives. Yad Vashem does not honor, document or recognize Jews who saved other Jews during the Holocaust, even at the risk of their own lives. Honoring Jews who saved Jews was and is not part of its mandate. Were not their life-risking efforts worthy of memorialization? There is no memorial to Jews who saved Jews and others, in Israel, or anywhere. [Jerry Klinger]

We need a memorial for Jews who saved Jews and others Read More »

Jerry Klinger, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Middle East, Obituaries & memorials, USA

Fiction: Mendel the Chasid’s job interview

Friday, the big day arrived. Mendel’s hat and long black coat were cleaned, special. We even asked the seamstress to fix the frayed bottom of his coat so it would not look bad. He had a new white shirt, properly buttoned to the collar and his tallit katon, which he always wore outside his shirt. It was freshly washed and ironed. We added black shoe polish to his canvas shoes to make them look darker. He combed out his long salt and pepper beard, so it was extra neat. [Jerry Klinger]

Fiction: Mendel the Chasid’s job interview Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Jerry Klinger, Jewish Fiction

Fiction: Mendel the Chasid Moves to Boynton Beach

I had stopped off for a Mocha Java Grande with extra mocha and cinnamon. To be sure to stick to my diet, I threw in two Nutra-sweets. He was sipping a glass of water from a plastic cup at a corner table. Sweat visibly thickened through his white, long-sleeve shirt buttoned at the collar. He had a long black coat, a bit dirty and frayed at the hem, that touched the floor. His oversized black-felt hat, with the extra-large, firm brim, lay on the table. His full grey-flecked beard wiggled whenever his hand nervously readjusted his black yarmulke. Mendel’s large gentle eyes cried his tired confusion. He was out of his element. It was 82 degrees outside, very bright and humid. [Jerry Klinger]

Fiction: Mendel the Chasid Moves to Boynton Beach Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Jerry Klinger, Jewish Fiction