Steve Kramer

Steve Kramer

Steve Kramer grew up in Atlantic City, graduated from Johns Hopkins in 1967, adopted the hippie lifestyle until 1973, then joined the family business for 15 years. Steve moved to Israel from Margate, NJ in 1991 with his family. He has written more than 1100 articles about Israel and Jews since making Aliyah. Steve and his wife Michal live in Kfar Saba.

The importance of the Balfour Declaration

By Steve Kramer ALFEI MENASHE, Israel — One hundred years ago a bomb shell was dropped on the international community by the British government. It was the Balfour Declaration, a public “letter” which would have greatly cheered Theodor Herzl, the great proponent and leader of the Zionist movement, had he not succumbed to a heart […]

The importance of the Balfour Declaration Read More »

International, Jewish History, Middle East, Steve Kramer

Computers for Ethiopian Israeli students

By Steve Kramer ALFEI MENASHE, Israel — As we approach the Passover holiday, when helping others is customary, it’s instructive to see how a few volunteers are having a considerable impact on Netanya’s Ethiopian Israeli community… The Forgotten People Fund (FPF), a strictly volunteer organization in Netanya, Israel, was founded in 1998 by two couples, Anne

Computers for Ethiopian Israeli students Read More »

International, Middle East, Science, Medicine, & Education, Steve Kramer

‘The Lies They Tell’ excoriates U.S. society

 By Steve Kramer ALFE MENASHE, Israel — The Lies They Tell is the second Tuvia Tenenbom book that I’ve read, following the enlightening Catch the Jew!, which penetrates the bubble surrounding many Israelis and journalists. Tuvia (his irreverent style breeds a strange familiarity) is an expat Israeli who has lived in the United States, Germany

‘The Lies They Tell’ excoriates U.S. society Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Steve Kramer, USA

Peace is the goal

By Steve Kramer ALFEI MENASHE, Israel — Israelis had been waiting with bated breath for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s initial meeting with President Donald Trump on February 15. All sorts of fantasies were dreamed up by “Land of Israel” (right wing) advocates, as if the new president were an ultra-Zionist. Left wing “peace” advocates, on the other

Peace is the goal Read More »

Middle East, Steve Kramer, USA

UN’s Israel vote may lead to a reduction in its revenues

By Steve Kramer ALFE MENASHE, Israel — Wake up! President Obama showed his true colors last week when he instructed US Ambassador Samantha Power to abstain on a Security Council resolution indicting Israel for building houses for Jews in the Jewish homeland, including in Jerusalem, the Jewish capital for 3,000 years. (Even the Western Wall

UN’s Israel vote may lead to a reduction in its revenues Read More »

International, Middle East, Steve Kramer