Michael Mantell

Dr. Michael Mantell

Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D. is a retired psychologist, best-selling author, international speaker, and a highly sought after cognitive behavioral coach whose actionable, valuable and practical work has been featured on Fox News, ABC-TV, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, The New York Times, and The Huffington Post. He has been teaching how Torah’s wisdom can lead to optimal living for many decades. You can follow him on Facebook and in other social media, where he has posted the #MantellDaily5 everyday for years.

His books, available on Amazon, include:

The secret message of C.O.V.I.D

Seems that with WAZE, Google Maps, and other similar apps everyone these days has their own “navi” system. Only problem is, the other day I plugged “Happiness” into one of these and the app exploded! I asked Siri, Alexa and even my Apple watch…no help. Could COVID19 have infected my course-plotting devices? Of course not. But during these sheltered-at-home days, any journey out needs to be swift, calculated and well-planned. That’s when it hit me. I needed to rely a better GPS system, one that’s guided me well in the past and surely would do so during these emotionally strained times. [Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D]

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Lifestyles, Michael Mantell

Wait! Before you open the fridge; are you really hungry?

Obesity-related conditions seem to be linked to a worsened effect of COVID-19, according to the World Obesity Federation. The European Association for the Study of Obesity, along with other North American obesity related organizations, have noted, “If you are living with overweight, obesity or diabetes, you are not at an increased risk for developing COVID-19 – but you may be at risk for more severe symptoms and disease progression.” So, I guess eating white chocolate peanut butter by the scoopful isn’t exactly wise, huh? [Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D]

Wait! Before you open the fridge; are you really hungry? Read More »

Lifestyles, Michael Mantell, Travel and Food

Don’t D.I.E., Instead T.H.I.N.K.

Simple annoyance, fiery rage, and loss of temper, with its emotional and physiological mayhem, so mess with your life that it’s time to prevent, not just manage the thunder. Sure quarantine, masks, gloves, hand washing, that itch on your cheek you aren’t supposed to scratch, kids at home all day long, and the ever-present threat of catching COVID19 can get to the calmest of us. Lashing out in anger over even the smallest slight or obstacle only makes sense if your goal is to strip yourself of peace while inflaming your bitterness and indignation. [Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D]

Don’t D.I.E., Instead T.H.I.N.K. Read More »

Lifestyles, Michael Mantell

Nurses and doctors, shield thyselves

While the coronavirus is taking its toll on thousands of lives around the world, the disease is also having its physical and emotional impact on those caring for patients with COVID19. The Dalai Lama noted, “Real care of the sick does not begin with costly procedures, but with the simple gifts of affection, love and concern.“ It’s clear that the current COVID19 pandemic brings unique stressors that thwart physicians and other healthcare professionals from delivering this level of exceptional, true, care. [Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D]

Nurses and doctors, shield thyselves Read More »

Lifestyles, Michael Mantell, Science, Medicine, & Education

Which CHAIR is killing you?

Henry David Thoreau once shared that he had three chairs in his home, “…one for solitude, two for friendship, and three for society.” Doesn’t that provide you with remarkable insight into the value of a chair?  Chairs provide comfort, stability, relaxation, style and for Thoreau, “…solitude, friendship and society.” During this time of emotionally charged home quarantine, I’m concerned that a chair for many may also pose a corner of isolation, inactivity and ultimate gloominess. You see, as Benjamin Franklin observed, “The discontented man finds no easy chair.” [Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D]

Which CHAIR is killing you? Read More »

Lifestyles, Michael Mantell

A call for a United Kehilla of San Diego

Albert Einstein once observed, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” For several years I’ve been imagineering – well, truth be told, I’m always imagineering – but in particular, I’ve been prying into a vision of I’ve had of a “United Kehilla of San Diego.” Please, no eye rolling, just grow with this. I mean go with this. No, I categorically mean grow with this. I’ll explain. [Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D]

A call for a United Kehilla of San Diego Read More »

Jewish Religion, Michael Mantell, San Diego County

Gratitude: the medicinal mental supplement

This may be the latest “health supplement” on the block, but it’s been around for thousands of years, hasn’t it?  You bet it’s been around for thousands of years. In Psalm 100-4, we read, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.” Even during these “sandpapering” times of COVID19, maybe especially during these times, we are being asked to look within with gratitude for the opportunity to thrive and grow. One with a grateful lens sees the proper response to this challenge being to prioritize our social connections, our network with others, and to serve each other, for the benefit of the other, for ourselves, and for the greater world. [Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D]

Gratitude: the medicinal mental supplement Read More »

Lifestyles, Michael Mantell

The Torah, quarantines, and wellbeing

This week’s parasha, Tzav, is filled with korbans, “offerings,” from burnt ones (“olah”), to thanksgiving ones (“todah”) , to peace ones (“shlamim”), the latter sometimes referred to as “goodwill” or “wellbeing” ones. We surely need peace and wellbeing now in the midst of the “coronapocalypse” we are asked to grow through. So, the timeliness of delving into the laws of the “sacrifice of the shlamim,”are especially timely. Why? Because as we as we learn in Tanchuma Tzav, 10, “Great is the shlamim, for they bring peace between Israel and their Father in Heaven.” [Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D]

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Jewish Religion, Michael Mantell

Playing Through COVID19?

Sure, we’re all quarantined, hopefully wisely respecting the directives to stay home and not expose ourselves and others to COVID19. Indeed, someone posted this stark wake-up call recently in social media, “Coronavirus patients die alone in a hospital bed without a family member to hold hands with. Think about that before you go out.” Whew! And this article is about being playful? You bet it is. Our bodies are quarantined, not our minds. [Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D]

Playing Through COVID19? Read More »

Lifestyles, Michael Mantell

Happiness and health during COVID19

Is there anything more contagious than…laughter? Some believe COVID19 is far more communicable, though when it comes to transmitting something healthy, laughter’s got it beat. It’s been said, though admittedly some question the accuracy of this number, that toddlers laugh more than 300-400 times a day, while the average adult manages about 20 chuckles each day.  What’s happened to our sense of humor? Has the anger industry, the “if it bleeds it leads” instant cycle media, been stirring the worst news and views, shattering our joy? Listening to the “coronacopia” of negativity can wear on us all. And it does. So, you may ask, what’s there to smile about now? Why smile when the world is ending? Remember, folks, only the end of the world is the end of the world. And there are plenty of good reasons to smile, to find humor, to laugh…like your health. [Michael R. Mantell, PhD]

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Lifestyles, Michael Mantell

Being F.I.T. through the pandemic

 At this time of ever-growing COVID19 anxiety, conditioning our mind for mental vigor and fitness may be more important than many other steps we are all taking during our heightened awareness of disease transmission. At the very least, it will lead to less hand wringing and could lead to more hand washing. Now before you think this column is about physical exercise and muscle growth, I’m talking here about another type of being F.I.T., one that I’ve been writing and speaking about for many years. This F.I.T. has to do with being a “Fundamentally Independent Thinker” and requires no exercise equipment. Oh, right, the link is what you think, remember? Let’s delve into this a bit and see how being an independent thinker, not hooked into external events, can help you through the COVID19 upheaval. [Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D]

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Lifestyles, Michael Mantell

Nine steps to help you worry less

Sometimes, you just need to take a deep breath. After all, Robert Frost observed, “The real reason that worry kills more people than work does, is that more people worry than work.” Perhaps we’d all worry less, and therefore be healthier, if we would just follow the wise advice of Marcus Aurelius who urged, “When you arise in the morning, think of what precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” Ahh, if it were only so easy, right? [Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D]

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Lifestyles, Michael Mantell

The three FFF’s of emotional balance

Okay, before you go all holier than thou, critical, or laugh so hard you can’t pay attention to the content of this article, here’s what being “All FFF’d Up” means when it comes to preventing emotional turmoil during this COVID19 unbalanced time. It means you need to have Fun, include Friends and be Focused. C’mon, what’d you think I meant? Besides, I like it better than Conviction, Commitment and Consistency. Three C’s or three F’s? See what I mean? [Michael R. Mantell, PhD]

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Lifestyles, Michael Mantell

One word makes COVID19 even worse

Sure, you may be thinking that word might be “hate,” “poverty,” “illness,” or “death.” No, these words are mild compared to the self-disturbing, life-sucking, contentment-robbing, depression-boosting, anxiety-inducing, and anger-building word I’m thinking of. That word is “should.” In the wonderful words of my mentor and teacher, Albert Ellis, Ph.D., “Should-hood leads to sh#&-hood.” He also observed, “It’s far better to masturbate than MUSTurbate.” Yes, he was a straight talking guy. [Michael Mantell, Ph.D.]

One word makes COVID19 even worse Read More »

Lifestyles, Michael Mantell