Ira Sharkansky

Ira Sharansky

Ira Sharkansky is professor emeritus of political science and public administration at Hebrew University.

His books, which are available on Amazon, include:

Featherbedding key to Israeli coalition

For the first time in more than a year, Israel has a government approved by the Knesset, instead of a series of continuing governments with limited authority to make policy.
The last day and hours before the announcement was a mess, with announcements of who would get what ministry, by Gantz and even more by Netanyahu, with several prominent disappointments among those left out. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

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Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Coalition, coronavirus confusion in Israel

So far, no agreement on a government. There is argument about who will get which ministry. So far, no politician wants to be Health Minister. Perhaps those having to decide are waiting for the Supreme Court to make its decision. There remains a chance that it’ll veto the choice of Bibi as Prime Minister, given the three indictments against him. [Ira Sharkansky, PhD]

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Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Coronavirus and coalition politics dominate Israeli news

They say it’s like a war, but it isn’t. Our wars are shorter, more dramatic, with something like an end coming after days or weeks. And those running them are more regimented and united. It’s possible to exaggerate, of course. Our wars have their civilian commentators, ranging across the board politically. But nothing like the variety we’re hearing from those talking about Coronavirus. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

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Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Pandemic and politics produce Israeli turmoil

Unemployment has gone from less than 4 percent to above 20 percent. Restaurants and bars are closed, as are virtually all shops except for food markets and drug stores. Individuals are advised to stay at home, except for buying food, medicines, medical emergencies, and if they work in what are defined as crucial jobs. We’re allowed to be within 100 meters of our homes for personal exercise. Police are stopping and questioning, and issuing fines to those considered violators. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

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Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Bibi hanging onto the PM’s office by his fingernails

Benny Gantz is a week into his month-long effort to form a government. Dynamics suggest that we’ll have no clear information for a while. Bibi continues to operate as if he has a life-time hold on his block and the office of the Prime Minister. He and his supporters are proposing a joint arrangement whereby Gantz joins him. His party colleague, the Speaker of the Knesset, has been holding off meetings destined to remove the Speaker from office. Gantz is muttering about Bibi’s offer. Speculation is that he supports it, but that it would split his party. Lapid and Ayalon are firmly against joining with a Prime Minister Netanyahu. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

Bibi hanging onto the PM’s office by his fingernails Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Politics and coronavirus in Israel

It’s been two weeks since the election, and just now the President has interviewed party heads, and selected Benny Gantz to have the first chance at forming a coalition. Earlier signs of a minority government with Blue and White, Meretz-Labor, and Israel Our Home, with outside support from the United Arab List, have faded, but not completely.Two members of Blue and White and one of Meretz-Labor have indicated their opposition to allying with the United Arab List, and that brings Gantz’s vote down to 59. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

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Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Coalition-building and coronavirus in Israel’s top news

Election night was a time for Bibi to declare a big victory. Likud outpolled Blue and White, but Likud plus its right wing block didn’t make it to 61 seats. Final results look like this:
Likud 36 seats; Blue and White 33 seats; United Arab List 15 seats; SHAS 9 seats; United Torah Judaism 7 seats; Meretz-Labor 7 seats; Israel Our Home (Lieberman) 7 seats; Yamina (Bennett, Shaked, Peretz, Smotrich) 6 seats. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

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Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, Science, Medicine, & Education

Only more questions in wake of Israel’s election

The days before Monday’s balloting were as sleazy as any I recall, from watching Israeli elections since 1977. Bibi led the negative campaigning, bringing up issues against all the major figures in Blue and White that had been settled years ago, and charging Benny Gantz with faults up to incipient senility. Blue and White’s campaign pictured Turkey’s President Erdogan, speaking Bibi’s mantra against the charges of corruption, “There won’t be anything because there is nothing.” However, Blue and White’s campaign seemed mostly mild, repeating charges against Bibi, but not getting the air time that Bibi did. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D.}

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Ira Sharkansky, Middle East