Ira Sharkansky

Ira Sharansky

Ira Sharkansky is professor emeritus of political science and public administration at Hebrew University.

His books, which are available on Amazon, include:

The complex relationship between Poles and Jews

Occasional upticks in animosity between Jews and Poles has produced a correspondence between a Polish friend and my colleague Shlomo Avineri. It’s been an open and friendly exchange, pondering the memories of both people and one land. And it has reminded me of an instance in my youth, in Fall River, Massachusetts. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D}

The complex relationship between Poles and Jews Read More »

International, Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, USA

Identifying Israeli political parties’ supporters

Recent election ties, the likelihood of another one in two weeks, and the prospects of a fourth election raise the issue of who are we, and why do we cluster as we do. We can begin with several, more or less fixed, clusters of Israelis: *Ultra-Orthodox, Ashkenazim, very likely to vote United Torah Judaism *Perhaps a bit less fixed ultra-Orthodox Sephardim, likely to vote SHAS *Israeli Arabs, most of whom vote for the United Arab List *West Bank settlers, many of them Orthodox Jews, who vote for one of the right of center parties *Jews of Middle Eastern origin, traditional in their religious practices, who tend to vote Likud, especially, perhaps, those with lower education and income levels *Russians, a large and complex group, many of whom form the basic support of Avigdor Lieberman and go along with his right of center opposition to allying with Arabs or perhaps left wing Jews [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D.]

Identifying Israeli political parties’ supporters Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

‘Deal of Century’ prompts split in Israeli right wing

It’s been a while since Bibi pressed Trump to release his Deal of the Century. As we’ve heard from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Jared Kushner, it’s more a vision than a concrete plan. Somewhere at its heart are several basic ideas, such as Israeli expansion and the creation of a Palestinian state. However, there is a lot of detail to work through, most likely by negotiations before anything major can occur. However, Bibi’s base, more than Bibi himself, has seized on the elements favorable to them and are urging unilateral Israeli expansion. Depending on who’s talking, it’s a formal acquisition of the Jordan Valley, Maale Adumim, Gush Etzion, Ariel, and other settlements. Bibi has wavered between encouraging this kind of talk, saying that he’d do it this week or next, and saying that he needs the support of the Americans to do it. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

‘Deal of Century’ prompts split in Israeli right wing Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, USA

Trump’s deal roils Israeli politics

The Deal of the Century.” It’s a mess. With some good features, as well as others. On the good side, it does away with the 1967 lines, outdated by more than 50 years of movement here and there, and kept alive only by Palestinian ideology, which competes with Palestinian ideas tying things to pre-1948. Except for that, the deal seems to present as many problems as opportunities.The Deal of the Century.” It’s a mess. With some good features, as well as others. On the good side, it does away with the 1967 lines, outdated by more than 50 years of movement here and there, and kept alive only by Palestinian ideology, which competes with Palestinian ideas tying things to pre-1948. Except for that, the deal seems to present as many problems as opportunities. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

Trump’s deal roils Israeli politics Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, USA

Most MKs oppose Bibi’s immunity request

Bibi made an application for immunity, and is now doing all that he can so the Knesset will postpone consideration of it. Until after the election? Which one? The third in the last year, or the fourth, the fifth, or whatever. A majority of the Knesset has indicated its opposition to Bibi’s immunity from prosecution. So if he doesn’t postpone consideration of it, he’s lost. [Ira Sharkansky, PhD]

Most MKs oppose Bibi’s immunity request Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

New political scramble as Bibi seeks immunity

Bibi waited until the last prime time television spot before the deadline, to announce that he was applying for immunity. The day earlier, one of the news shows replayed an earlier statement that he had no intention of applying for immunity. Immediately after Bibi announced, Benny Gantz began his election campaign, indicating that it would focus on an alleged criminal, running for yet more time at the top of the government.[Ira Sharkansky, PhD]

New political scramble as Bibi seeks immunity Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, USA

Stubborness of Lieberman, Netanyahu mires Israel

Avigdor Lieberman has been in politics for several decades. Earlier, he was close to Bibi, but later protested his less aggressive postures toward Palestinians. He came from a Zionist background in Kishinev, and in Israel has led the Yisrael Beitenu (Israel our Home) party. It began mostly with the support of Russian immigrants, but has since expanded its appeal–both due to the aging of the Russian population and Lieberman’s most recent posture as a strong opponent of the ultra-Orthodox and Benyamin Netanyahu. [Ira Sharkansky, PhD]

Stubborness of Lieberman, Netanyahu mires Israel Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Trouble at the top in U.S., Israel

Scholars are asking if the various checks and balances of the US are strong enough to deal with a President who seems to be breaking a lot of the rules. We’ll see if his disregard for realities, truth, and the revelation of his tax returns, along with all the other charges continue to attract enough of the poorly educated Whites to give him another four years. Here in Israel the process is more clearly legal than political, but certainly with its political elements. [Ira Sharkansky, PhD]

Trouble at the top in U.S., Israel Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Americans for Peace Now proposals unrealistic

While Israelis are struggling to form a government as the result of a virtual tie between Blue and White and Likud, Americans for Peace Now has weighed in with a pamphlet that asks what politicians can do to move things forward. But in reality, the perspective of the pamphlet seems out of date, and dreams of what on the ground seems unreasonable. [Ira Sharkansky, PhD]

Americans for Peace Now proposals unrealistic Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, USA