Ira Sharkansky

Ira Sharansky

Ira Sharkansky is professor emeritus of political science and public administration at Hebrew University.

His books, which are available on Amazon, include:

Two- state solution not on any major party’s agenda

By Ira Sharkansky JERUSALEM — It’s still labeled the two-state solution, despite clear evidence that it requires at least three states. With Gaza kept separate from the West Bank, as its leaders seem to desire. Americans imagine that it’s only the Israeli right that frustrates the creation of a Palestinian State. Yet the reality is […]

Two- state solution not on any major party’s agenda Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Protests, riots, believed fueled by non- Ethiopians

By Ira Sharkansky JERUSALEM — Several days of demonstrations turned violent throughout the country. Roads were blocked for hours, property destroyed, and claims were made that Ethiopians had murdered police. It began in response to an occurrence in a public park, when an off-duty policeman approached a group of young men quarreling. Indications are that

Protests, riots, believed fueled by non- Ethiopians Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Bibi’s new government likely to be even more right-wing

By Ira Sharkansky JERUSALEM — Bibi has declared victory, and widespread support, but that ain’t true. Actually, Likud ended up in a tie vote with Blue-White, a party created only a couple of months before the election. Bibi’s support comes also from a cluster of religious parties, and two smaller entities whose heads are hoping

Bibi’s new government likely to be even more right-wing Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East