Ira Sharkansky

Ira Sharansky

Ira Sharkansky is professor emeritus of political science and public administration at Hebrew University.

His books, which are available on Amazon, include:

Is Israel isolated?

By Ira Sharkansky JERUSALEM — Our friends are worried. Young American Jews are in danger of disappearing via intermarriages at rates of 50 percent or more. Many are ill informed and disinterested in Israel. Key figures in AIPAC have come out in support of a Palestinian State, against sentiments in the Israeli government. Many Democrats,

Is Israel isolated? Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, USA

Why does Trump even bother about a Mideast peace?

By Ira Sharkansky JERUSALEM — We’re reading snippets, unconfirmed, of what is said to be the Trump Administration’s proposal for an Israel-Palestinian peace accord. Israelis can’t bet less than 10 agorot on the deal, the equivalent of 3 US cents. One and five agorot coins are no longer in circulation. Americans, living with sillier traditions, and

Why does Trump even bother about a Mideast peace? Read More »

International, Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, USA

Others before Bibi and Donald castigated ‘fake news’

By Ira Sharkansky JERUSALEM — Prominent in what’s similar between the Great Leaders of the US and Israel are their claims about the media. Fake news, especially from the mainstream-leftwing print and electronic. Those who worry see these preoccupations as the tricks of demagogues. Some have compared them with how Hitler moved toward the complete

Others before Bibi and Donald castigated ‘fake news’ Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, USA