Ira Sharkansky

Ira Sharansky

Ira Sharkansky is professor emeritus of political science and public administration at Hebrew University.

His books, which are available on Amazon, include:

What Accounts for Israel’s Weight in World Affairs?

Israel is a serious country. It’s hard to imagine, from a perspective of years ago. Now more than 9 million in population, with a currency increasing in value against others, and apparently able to extract two citizens accused of treason in Turkey due to what seems like the innocent photograph of the President’s residence, without an overt concession to Turkey. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

What Accounts for Israel’s Weight in World Affairs? Read More »

International, Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, USA

Israeli Shekel Increasing in Value Against Other Currencies

The shekel is strong. The dollar is weak. What does that mean? Commentary here puts the blame on high investments from overseas in Israel, especially in high-tech. It also means that Israeli purchases in the US, or in dollar-linked countries–including Israeli travel overseas, are cheap. But Israel exports to the same places aren’t as profitable as usual. There are fewer dollars coming into the country in exchange for what’s exported.  [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

Israeli Shekel Increasing in Value Against Other Currencies Read More »

Business & Finance, International, Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, USA

Wall-to-Wall Israeli Coalition Holds Firm on Budget

There have been several events worth mentioning.  We have a budget. For the first time in several years. Bibi’s government couldn’t, or wouldn’t pass a budget bill, and continued with partial enactments, providing moneys needed to continue or expand certain services. Now, with a budget approved, the present government evades a limit on its existence, tied by legislation to having enacted a budget. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

Wall-to-Wall Israeli Coalition Holds Firm on Budget Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, USA

American Lifestyles Contrast with Israel’s, Western Europe’s

You want it, you pay for it. Economic liberalism is the essence of the American experience. Don’t tread on me. Don’t make me pay for someone else’s benefit. Of course it’s not total. In the U.S., there are programs to pay, or help to pay for those in need. And there’s lots of insurance, often associated with a job, that pays most or all of health care needs. And government programs to lend money for education.  [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

American Lifestyles Contrast with Israel’s, Western Europe’s Read More »

Business & Finance, International, Ira Sharkansky, Lifestyles, Middle East, USA

Bennett’s Government Stays Afloat; Likud Meanwhile is Divided

It’s a confusing picture. The government has a thin control of the Knesset, and itself ranges from the right to the left. It’s held together by a fear of falling, and the spectre of Bibi hanging on to his title as Leader of the Opposition. Depending on how you count things, Bibi may remain as the strongest Israeli politician. At least, in terms of his popular support. Yet the top ranks of Likud are shaky. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

Bennett’s Government Stays Afloat; Likud Meanwhile is Divided Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Bennett Prompts Speculation about Missing Israeli Soldier Ron Arad

Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has made two major speeches, One to the United Nations, and one to the Israeli Knesset. Both came in a prominent setting, although the UN speech was to a largely empty hall. The Knesset speech was at the onset of the body’s winter season, as part of a program for the Knesset chair, the Prime Minister, and the leader of the opposition to make themselves heard.  [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

Bennett Prompts Speculation about Missing Israeli Soldier Ron Arad Read More »

Ira Sharkansky

What Would Be the Borders in a ‘Two-State’ Solution?

Americans have reminded us that our closest friend still adheres to the notion of a Palestinian State, even though the President has indicated that it’ll take a lot of time to accomplish that goal. Where would it be? What would be its borders? What about Israelis living in East Jerusalem and in many parts of the West Bank? [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

What Would Be the Borders in a ‘Two-State’ Solution? Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Big and Small Controversies in Israel

Do you want to think big? Focus on what Mahmoud Abbas said in a recorded speech delivered to the United Nations in New York. If Israel doesn’t withdraw completely from the West Bank and East Jerusalem (he also said Gaza, but Israel has already withdrawn from there) within a year, Palestine will charge Israel with heinous crimes before the International Criminal Court. Meanwhile, he’s volunteering to negotiate final borders. The 1967 lines, wherever they are, figure in his threat. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

Big and Small Controversies in Israel Read More »

International, Ira Sharkansky, Lifestyles, Middle East

Escapees, Covid and Sukkahs Major Topics of Israeli News

Three main items on our news. First, security personnel have caught the final two escapees, in Jenin. Apparently with some help from Palestinians via Israel intelligence operatives. Second, Israel continues to give third booster shots to all those above 12 years of age, despite an FDA vote approving third booster shots to those 65 years and older. Third, the City of Jerusalem has destroyed a jerry-built Succah in the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea Shearim. [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

Escapees, Covid and Sukkahs Major Topics of Israeli News Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East

Palestinians’ Prison Break Dominates Israeli News

The big news here is of the breakout from a “security” prison by six Palestinians. They’re all of the Jihad Islamis, and apparently with a great deal of luck, or perhaps help from some of their jailers. Over the course of some six months, they dug out from under a toilet in one of their cells, under the walls, and emerged only a few meters away. And they eluded capture from many who were hunting them from the police and other security forces.  [Ira Sharkansky, Ph.D]

Palestinians’ Prison Break Dominates Israeli News Read More »

Ira Sharkansky, Middle East