
Appropriate Blood Sugar Levels, Mediterranean Diet Can Delay Brain Aging

While so far aging cannot be prevented, recent research from an 18-month dietary intervention offers hope that lifestyle and dietary changes can slow brain aging. A new international study, led by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev as part of the Direct Plus Brain MRI trial, has brought to light how blood sugar control can significantly impact brain health. [Press Release]

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Israel, Press Release, Science, Medicine, & Education

Tel Aviv University Researchers Report Progress in Fight against Cancer

A technological breakthrough by medical researchers at Tel Aviv University (TAU) enabled the discovery of a cancer mechanism that prevents the immune system from attacking tumors. The researchers were surprised to find that reversing this mechanism stimulates the immune system to fight the cancer cells, even in types of cancer considered resistant to prevailing forms of immunotherapy. [Press Release]

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Israel, Press Release, Science, Medicine, & Education

Mothers Can Ameliorate Children’s PTSD, Study Finds

Mothers may need to process information relevant to the child and the situation efficiently and rapidly (e.g., understanding the threat and quickly evacuating to a safe room), mediate the situation to the child, and regulate her own and the child’s emotions. Therefore, the mother’s ability to effectively convey relevant information may contribute to her ability to respond appropriately to the child in critical moments and strengthen the child’s personal resilience. [Press Release]

Mothers Can Ameliorate Children’s PTSD, Study Finds Read More »

Israel, Lifestyles, Press Release, Science, Medicine, & Education