
Irena Sendler wins posthumous ADL award for hiding Jewish children during Shoah

WARSAW,  Poland  (Press Release)–Irena Sendler, a Polish Catholic social worker who smuggled about 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto during the Holocaust, was honored posthumously by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for her heroism in risking her life to save others. The ADL Courage to Care Award, which honors rescuers of Jews during the […]

Irena Sendler wins posthumous ADL award for hiding Jewish children during Shoah Read More »

Middle East

Illegal immigration is a problem throughout the world

By Ira Sharkansky JERUSALEM–Immigration is again a hot button in the United States, with attractions for demagogues of right and left. The President has ordered 1,200 National Guard personnel sent to border areas of the Southwest, in response to other politicians demanding that something be done. The targets of this effort are illegal drug shipments

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Ira Sharkansky, Middle East, USA

Rabbi criticizes Lieberman's support for repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

MONSEY, N.Y. (Press Release)–Orthodox Jews will be among religious leaders and pro-family activists converging on Washington DC on Thursday to protest the latest efforts to hastily repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in the House of Representatives. Chief among their concerns are the ways that changes in the armed services rules would seriously compromise religious liberty

Rabbi criticizes Lieberman's support for repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Read More »


North Korea threatens to reactivate war with South Korea

By Shoshana Bryen Shoshana Bryen WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release)–It was North Korea that torpedoed a South Korean submarine-an internationally recognized act of war that killed 46 South Korean sailors. It wasn’t an accident. As follow-on, North Korea announced that any act of retaliation by the South would be considered a provocation. When the South Korean

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Shoshana Bryen, USA

International Bar Association calls for halt to attacks on Richard Goldstone

LONDON (Press Releases)–The President and Executive Director of the International Bar Association (IBA), Fernando Peláez-Pier and Mark Ellis, respectively, are concerned by the sustained professional and personal criticism of the eminent jurist Richard Goldstone, following publication of the report by the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. Since the report was placed in

International Bar Association calls for halt to attacks on Richard Goldstone Read More »

Middle East

University of Haifa to honor Ruth Dayan for work with immigrants, Bedouins

HAIFA (Press Release)–The University of Haifa will award the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, honoris causa, to Mrs. Ruth Dayan during the University’s 38th Meeting of the Board of Governors, which will take place on June 1-3. The honorary doctorate will be conferred upon Mrs. Dayan in recognition of her longstanding contribution to Israel’s economic,

University of Haifa to honor Ruth Dayan for work with immigrants, Bedouins Read More »

Middle East

Jewish Agency names Larry Weinberg as communications chief

  NEW YORK (Press Release)–The Jewish Agency has announced the appointment of Larry Weinberg to the newly-established position of Chief Communications Officer of the Jewish Agency for Israel. Currently working in the Agency’s Jerusalem headquarters, Mr. Weinberg will be based in New York reporting to Dr. Misha Galperin.  On July 1, Galperin will  become the

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Middle East

ZOA urges UC Irvine to revoke campus privileges for Muslim Student Union

NEW YORK (Press Release)–The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) praises the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for calling on Chancellor Michael Drake of the University of California, Irvine to publicly condemn the Muslim Student Union’s speaker, Amir Abdel Malik Ali, for his frightening anti-Semitic speech on the campus last week, and also to publicly denounce the Muslim

ZOA urges UC Irvine to revoke campus privileges for Muslim Student Union Read More »

Middle East

Emerald seeks repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' law governing Armed Service participation

SAN DIEGO (Press Release)–With Congress poised to take pivotal votes this weekend on Defense funding bills, City Councilmember Marti Emerald is urging repeal of the military’s policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, which bans openly gay and lesbian Americans from serving in the Armed Forces. This policy has resulted in the discharge of hundreds of

Emerald seeks repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' law governing Armed Service participation Read More »


Counter-terrorism specialist says greater efforts needed in host countries

WASHINGTON, D.C (Press Release)–Following is a speech that Daniel Benjamin, coordinator of the counter-terrorism office in the U.S. State Department, gave on Friday to members of the Washington Institute: Good afternoon. It is a great pleasure to be back at the Washington Institute and see so many familiar faces in the room. Thanks to Matt

Counter-terrorism specialist says greater efforts needed in host countries Read More »

Middle East, USA

Jews have had differences with each other throughout the centuries

By Ira Sharkansky JERUSALEM–The Economist has joined a small crowd of commentators who have discovered a growing split between American Jews and Israel. It puts at least part of the blame on “declining bonds between an increasingly right-wing religious Israel and liberal American Jews.” No doubt that is one of the tensions between the two

Jews have had differences with each other throughout the centuries Read More »

Middle East, USA