Jewish Religion

Mommy, what is prayer?

By Leah Singer SAN DIEGO — I was reading Sunrise, Sunset to my daughter, Sophie. Sunrise, Sunset is a story using the words of the famous Fiddler on the Roof song. As I was reading the story, Sophie interrupted and asked, “Mommy, why is that man wearing a scarf?” I told Sophie it’s called a

Mommy, what is prayer? Read More »

Jewish Religion

‘Passover Fairy’ answers some Money Maven-type questions

By Sheryl L. Rowling SAN DIEGO –As usual, the Money Maven needs to take a break for “tax season.”  Luckily, the Passover Fairy has agreed to answer your questions.  The Money Maven will return next time! Dear Passover Fairy, I’m trying to save money.  Passover food is so expensive!  Nobody even likes to eat matzo! 

‘Passover Fairy’ answers some Money Maven-type questions Read More »

Jewish Religion, Sheryl Rowling

20 ways to know Pesach is arriving in Jerusalem

By Judy Lash Balint JERUSALEM–Surprised? Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics reveals in their latest data that 88 percent of Israelis will take part in a Seder and 47 percent eat only kosher for Passover items during the holiday. Meantime, as Pesach approaches, latest figures from the National Insurance Institute’s 2011 poverty report indicate there are

20 ways to know Pesach is arriving in Jerusalem Read More »

Jewish Religion, Middle East

‘The Jewish Gospels’ examines emergence of rabbinic Judaism and Christianity

The Jewish Gospels by Daniel Boyarin;  ISBN 978-1-5955846-8-7©2010, $21.95, p. 200, including notes and index By Fred Reiss, Ed.D WINCHESTER, Callifornia –Thanks to the Jewish general and historian Josephus and the Greco-Jewish philosopher Philo, we know a great deal about the internecine spiritual arguments among the Jews from the mid-second century BCE through the end

‘The Jewish Gospels’ examines emergence of rabbinic Judaism and Christianity Read More »

Fred Reiss, EdD, Jewish Religion