
Winehouse Statue in London Defaced with Palestinian Sticker

LONDON (JNS) — A sculpture of Amy Winehouse in the town of Camden, in northern London, was defaced over the weekend with a Palestinian flag sticker covering the late Jewish singer’s Star of David necklace. “This is disgusting. Amy Winehouse was a famous Jewish singer who was proud of her Jewish heritage,” wrote the National […]

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International, Israel, Jewish Celebrities, JNS, Music, Dance, and Visual Arts, Obituaries & memorials

WJC Condemns European Court’s Decision on Ritual Slaughter Ban in Belgium

Stern remarked, “The court’s ill-advised decision that perpetuates discrimination against Belgian Jews and Muslims is deplorable. This ruling is a backward step, not a matter of animal welfare, but a clear suppression of religious freedom and liberty. We cannot stand idly by as instances of religious persecution unfold.” [World Jewish Congress]

WJC Condemns European Court’s Decision on Ritual Slaughter Ban in Belgium Read More »

Antisemitism, International, Jewish Religion, Travel and Food, World Jewish Congress

Antisemitic Callers Overwhelm La Mesa City Council Meeting with Hate Speech

Words turned ugly during the council’s public comment period on Tuesday when a series of callers, each held to a council-mandated three-minute limit per speaker, used their allotted time to debase and degrade Jews with callous accusations and conspiracy theories. [J.W. August, Times of San Diego]

Antisemitic Callers Overwhelm La Mesa City Council Meeting with Hate Speech Read More »

Antisemitism, Holocaust, Israel, Jewish Religion, San Diego County, Times of San Diego