
Undecided whether to listen to my body or mind

So here is my dilemma: I used to be the kind of person who said “yes” to everything and everyone and loved it. My motto: “Go everywhere, do everything, meet everyone, always say ‘yes, I can help!’” I now have become the kind of person who hesitates when asked to go somewhere or do something, preferring to stay home. It is a matter of energy—I don’t seem to be able to muster enough to make the decision to go, let alone to actually go. My mindset is: “I am too tired!”

Some of my friends have said: “You’re in your nineties; honor your age, listen to your body, don’t push yourself.” Somehow this does not help. I am still curious about the play, the movie, the luncheon. I have always suffered from a disease called “ATMS” (afraid to miss something), better known today as “FOMO” (fear of missing out). So I have lived my life in the fast lane and loved every moment of it.

Undecided whether to listen to my body or mind Read More »

Lifestyles, Natasha Josefowitz, San Diego County

San Diego holds its first Sephardic Festival

I had to smile on Saturday night at the Sephardic Festival held at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center [JCC] this past weekend.  There was a short film, Our San Diego Sephardic Voices, about the Sephardim in San Diego.  One of the women interviewed said she was in a “mixed marriage” as her husband was Ashkenazi. Another woman spoke about the differences in food as the Sephardic eat much more rice than their eastern European counterparts.

San Diego holds its first Sephardic Festival Read More »

International, Lifestyles, Mimi Pollack, San Diego County, Theatre, Film & Broadcast, Travel and Food

Eight Bad Dates — Epilogue

One common thread that surprised me was how many readers wanted to know what happened after the date, or more precisely, how the date ended. Whilst writing, I guess that was a foregone conclusion.  Few of these resulted in a second date. In nearly every situation it didn’t take a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to determine that there was no chemistry! And I never even took Chemistry! (Thank G-d it wasn’t a requirement at Mamaroneck High back in the day.) 

Eight Bad Dates — Epilogue Read More »

Donald H. Harrison, Eva Trieger, Lifestyles, San Diego County