Undecided whether to listen to my body or mind
So here is my dilemma: I used to be the kind of person who said “yes” to everything and everyone and loved it. My motto: “Go everywhere, do everything, meet everyone, always say ‘yes, I can help!’” I now have become the kind of person who hesitates when asked to go somewhere or do something, preferring to stay home. It is a matter of energy—I don’t seem to be able to muster enough to make the decision to go, let alone to actually go. My mindset is: “I am too tired!”
Some of my friends have said: “You’re in your nineties; honor your age, listen to your body, don’t push yourself.” Somehow this does not help. I am still curious about the play, the movie, the luncheon. I have always suffered from a disease called “ATMS” (afraid to miss something), better known today as “FOMO” (fear of missing out). So I have lived my life in the fast lane and loved every moment of it.
Undecided whether to listen to my body or mind Read More »
Lifestyles, Natasha Josefowitz, San Diego County