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Background on U.S.A’s Floating Pier for Gaza Project

According to DoD, JLOTS will include a floating pier, an approximately 1,800-foot-long modular causeway, assembled offshore and then attached to the shore, and a group of logistic support vessels and barges that will transport the aid from the pier to the causeway where the cargo would be offloaded and transported to the land and distributed to Gaza. [Dorian de Wind, The Moderate Voice]

Background on U.S.A’s Floating Pier for Gaza Project Read More »

Dorian de Wind, Israel, Technology, The Moderate Voice, USA

OpEd: Biden’s SOTU Speech Was Unrealistic and a Reward for Terrorists

That Biden had more harsh words for the democratically elected government of Israel than the terrorists of Hamas was shocking. So, too, was his unrealistic demand that Israel could wage a justified war against the Islamists without harming the Palestinians Hamas hides behind. And his demand that Israel accede to a Palestinian state at the end of the war is not only immoral, it will grant a reward to the terrorists and undermine U.S. interests in the region. [Jonathan S. Tobin, JNS]

OpEd: Biden’s SOTU Speech Was Unrealistic and a Reward for Terrorists Read More »

Antisemitism, Israel, JNS, Opinion, USA