Lawrence Baron

Laurie Baron

Lawrence (Laurie) Baron, now retired, served as the Nasatir Professor of Modern Jewish History at San Diego State University. He served from 1988 to 2006 as director of SDSU’s Lipinsky Institute for Judaic Studies. He was the founder in 1995 of the Western Jewish Studies Association.

He writes two satire columns for San Diego Jewish World: “Humoring the Headlines” under his byline, and “Hounding the Headlines,” under the byline of his dog Elona.

Satire: Take Me to Your Leader

Like most Martians, I live beneath the planet because it is too hot or cold. When I occasionally venture up to the top to catch some sun or see the stars, I have been angered by how littered the landscape has become with metal vehicles from earth which are collecting samples of our soil and rocks or hovering above the surface.  Since most of them bear the insignia of a place called the USA, I’ve decided to lodge a complaint with its leader. [Laurie Baron, Ph.D]

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Lawrence Baron, Trivia, Humor & Satire

Satire: Hamlet’s Soliloquy in the Age of Covid

To mask or not to mask, that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The coughs and dangers of contagious Covid,
Rather than cover nose and mouth, suffocating.    
Or by opposing mandates to die—to infect,  
Tethered to ventilators, bereft of breath,   
The long haul and virulent spikes
That flesh succumbs to, like consumption. … {Laurie Baron, Ph.D]

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Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Lawrence Baron, Theatre, Film & Broadcast, Trivia, Humor & Satire, USA

Satire: Space Loses Its Virginity

Virgin Galactic succeeded in launching its owner Richard Branson into a sub-orbit to demonstrate the potential for future space tourism.  Immediately thereafter, many corporations filed papers to open businesses in space to serve the anticipated spate of rich people who already consider themselves out of this world and plan to flaunt their space vacations at cocktail parties.  You can expect to see these advertisements for the following enterprises soon. [Laurie Baron, Ph.D]

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Lawrence Baron, Trivia, Humor & Satire

Satire: The Unexpurgated Geneva Summit Transcript

Both Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin gave press conferences and issued readouts after their summit meeting this week. Did these reflect what they really said behind closed doors? Fortunately, I had access to a transcript of the meeting recorded by devices planted by the same Jewish cabal in charge of the Space Laser program. Here are a few snippets from the meeting. [Satire by Laurie Baron, Ph.D]

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Lawrence Baron, Trivia, Humor & Satire

On a Dog’s Post-COVID Life

have been receiving many Barks (the dog equivalent to Tweets) from curious dogs (cats don’t have a monopoly on curiosity!) who wonder why I haven’t written a column since December.  Like my human companions, I have been confined at home except for my daily walks. Now that we can return to a semblance of normality, here’s how my life will be different. [Elona Baron as told to Laurie Baron]

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Lawrence Baron, Lifestyles, San Diego County, The World We Share, Trivia, Humor & Satire