Eva Trieger

Eva Trieger

Eva Trieger is an educator and a freelance writer specializing in coverage of the arts.

LFJCC Summer Reading Program Features Jewish Authors and Topics

I introduced Judy Bloom, Elizabeth Enright and Norton Juster to my summer hangouts, and they in turn,  took me to places I’d never visited. The experience of gobbling up all of the library’s offerings seemed limitless and thrilling. And now, thanks to the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, summer reading is back! [Eva Trieger]

LFJCC Summer Reading Program Features Jewish Authors and Topics Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Eva Trieger, San Diego County

Energetic ‘Beehive’ at New Village Arts Theater

-Leave it to New Village Arts Theater to produce a show that is not only charming, exhilarating and outdoors, but simultaneously educational, socially responsible and topical! How did they pull this off?  Artistic Director, Kristianne Kurner, along with eight incredibly talented women delivered Beehive: The 60s Musical.  The show was written in 1986 by Larry Gallagher who succeeded in creating a celebration of the powerful female voices of the 1960s. [Eva Trieger]

Energetic ‘Beehive’ at New Village Arts Theater Read More »

Eva Trieger, Music, Dance, and Visual Arts, Theatre, Film & Broadcast

‘Becoming Dr. Ruth:’ A Passion for Purpose, Action, and All Things Jewish

By Eva Trieger SOLANA BEACH, California — Hummingbird-like, Tovah Feldshuh inhabited Dr. Ruth Westheimer as she flitted around the stage, all the while, espousing optimism, warmth, and humor. The actress incredibly mastered the German-Swiss-French-Hebrew-English accent with nary a dropped rolling R, as she relayed the fascinating life of the petite renowned sex therapist. The audience

‘Becoming Dr. Ruth:’ A Passion for Purpose, Action, and All Things Jewish Read More »

Eva Trieger, San Diego County, Theatre, Film & Broadcast

Live Theater is Ready to Return From Hibernation

By Eva Trieger SOLANA BEACH, California — Thank G-d for resilience, fortitude, and artistic directors like David Ellenstein. After our year-plus of hibernation, North Coast Repertory Theatre (NCRT) has put together a season of shows that is sure to delight everyone, young, less young, vaccinated, and bipartisan. Season 40 is filled with seven wonderful offerings.

Live Theater is Ready to Return From Hibernation Read More »

Eva Trieger, San Diego County, Theatre, Film & Broadcast

Tovah Feldshuh’s True-Life Role as a Daughter

It’s hard to believe that Lilyville is a first book given its accessibility and universal appeal. This memoir of four-time Tony, two-time Emmy nominee, Tovah Feldshuh delights and delivers! Broadway performer, and television star, Feldshuh has produced an honest, loving tribute to her tour de force mother, Lily Feldshuh. [Eva Trieger]

Tovah Feldshuh’s True-Life Role as a Daughter Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Eva Trieger, Theatre, Film & Broadcast, USA

Einstein Didn’t Come Through for This Reviewer

It is wonderful to see how resilient and innovative our San Diego area theaters are, and North Coast Repertory Theater is a testament to the old adage, “the show must go on.” Under the direction of David Ellenstein with co-writer Marc Silver, audiences were invited to attend the one-man show, Einstein Comes Through, portrayed by Jake Broder.  [Eva Trieger]

Einstein Didn’t Come Through for This Reviewer Read More »

Eva Trieger, Theatre, Film & Broadcast

Prison Inmates Tell Their Stories Through Theater

Thanks to Covid-19 many of us experienced “lockdown” in our homes, yet we can’t begin to imagine what life is like for those who are truly locked down and sequestered from polite society. That is, until the Playwrights Project teamed up with San Diego State University, nine years ago, to bring us Beyond Prison Walls. This innovative, honest and empathetic showcase brought us into the hearts and minds of those who’ve served time at Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility and Centinela State Prison. [Eva Trieger]

Prison Inmates Tell Their Stories Through Theater Read More »

Eva Trieger, San Diego County, Theatre, Film & Broadcast

Teens Show Their Talent as Playwrights

Rachel Van Wormer, Contest Coordinator, and gifted actor, reviewed all 243 scripts blindly. The top 50 selections were then passed along to Cecelia Kouma, Executive Producer, and eventually, 10 finalists were evaluated by Final Judges: Peter Cirino, Jacole Kitchen, Josefina Lopez, Annie Weisman, and Ruff Yeager. Many of these folk are also alumni of this very festival and have written plays that won awards in years past. Yeager also served as the Festival Artistic Director and introduced us to each of the winning playwrights with brief interviews about how they conceived their scripts. [Eva Trieger]

Teens Show Their Talent as Playwrights Read More »

Eva Trieger, Theatre, Film & Broadcast

A Yiddishfest to Kvell for

Already in progress and continuing through September 13, the YIddishkayt Initiative (YILoveJewish.org) is hosting a virtual festival that encompasses a taste of everything Yidden. More than 35 online events include geshmach cooking demonstrations, concerts, films, singing, staged readings, a Holocaust commemoration, klezmer by San Diego’s own Yale Strom, discussions, lectures, a world-premiere play, and so much more! Major American and International celebrities gather to entertain your Jewish soul and share simcha and provocative ideas. The froelich action-packed programming promises to have something for everyone and as long as you’ve got a device you’re invited to tune in for free! [Eva Trieger]

A Yiddishfest to Kvell for Read More »

Eva Trieger, Music, Dance, and Visual Arts, Theatre, Film & Broadcast

Fiction: “It’s a Good Start”

Adam looked at the kitchen clock and realized he would not make it to the morning minyan, even if he sprinted. He would daven shachris from home, in his new apartment. He began the morning blessings, thanking Hashem for causing him to wake from sleep, for being born a male, for being sure-footed. These primary blessings were intended to set the tone of praise, gratitude, and mindfulness for the prayers to follow. [Short story by Eva Trieger]

Fiction: “It’s a Good Start” Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Eva Trieger, Jewish Fiction, Lifestyles

National director of Ta’amod settles in San Diego

Ta’amod encourages and guides Jewish organizations to hold themselves to a higher standard, thereby ensuring that every individual experiences a safe, respectful workplace, regardless of whether that employee identifies as Jewish or not and no matter where they identify in Jewish practice and beliefs. [Eva Trieger]

National director of Ta’amod settles in San Diego Read More »

Business & Finance, Eva Trieger, San Diego County, USA

Swab your cheek and maybe save a toddler’s life

How incredible would you feel if you knew you could save the life of a beautiful 15-month-old baby girl, with something as innocuous as a cheek swab? The surrender of a few minutes on your part might provide a chance to reach milestones for this child and her parents.  Consider her first day of school, learning to ride a bike, losing her first tooth, observing her bat mitzvah, dressing for a first date, kvellling at her chuppah, welcoming her own child.  By registering with Be the Match, you may be offering Zoe and her parents all of these magical moments with minimal effort on your part. [Eva Trieger]

Swab your cheek and maybe save a toddler’s life Read More »

Eva Trieger, International, Science, Medicine, & Education, USA