Netanyahu says peace talks with Palestinians may resume soon

JERUSALEM (WJC)–Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed cautious optimism that peace talks with the Palestinians could soon resume. “In recent weeks, I have had the impression there is a certain change in atmosphere. I hope that a maturation that would enable the negotiating process to move forward has occurred…We are serious in our intention to

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Middle East

Israeli officers cancel London trip for fear of Palestinian motivated arrest warrants

LONDON (WJC)–Israeli officers invited to come to London by the British Army were unable to depart last week after UK authorities could not guarantee that they would not be arrested, according to Israeli newspaper ‘Yediot Aharonot’. The paper reports that the Israeli Foreign Ministry approached the British government in order to ensure that the officers

Israeli officers cancel London trip for fear of Palestinian motivated arrest warrants Read More »

Middle East

New blood libel? Italians say Israeli bombs contaminate Gaza

ROME (WJC)–Italian researchers have accused Israel of contaminating land in the Gaza Strip through bombing. The New Weapons Committee, an Italian group of researchers, said it had studied Israel’s use of ammunition and concluded that the population of the Gaza Strip was “in danger.” The group of scientists based the claim on soil analysis of

New blood libel? Italians say Israeli bombs contaminate Gaza Read More »

Middle East

Iran reports arrest of foreigners in connection with demonstrations

TEHRAN (WJC)–Iranian authorities have arrested several foreign nationals during the anti-government protests last week in which at least eight people were killed, Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi said in Tehran on Monday. “Some of the detainees are foreign nationals pursuing propaganda and psychological warfare,” he claimed on state television, without specifying their nationalities. Iranian police are

Iran reports arrest of foreigners in connection with demonstrations Read More »

Middle East, USA

ACLU opposes profiling and full-body scanning of airline passengers

NEW YORK (Press Release) – The Obama administration announced Sunday it will subject the citizens of 14 nations who are flying to the United States to intensified screening at airports, including being subjected to full-body pat downs or body scanners. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, the government should adhere to longstanding standards of individualized

ACLU opposes profiling and full-body scanning of airline passengers Read More »


Schumer, McMahon want U.S. to reimburse NYC for security costs of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial

NEW YORK (Press Release) – Rep. Michael E. McMahon joined Senator Charles E. Schumer on Monday  in calling on the Obama Administration to reimburse the City of New York for all security costs for the upcoming trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.  These costs have been estimated at upwards of $75 million, which would place

Schumer, McMahon want U.S. to reimburse NYC for security costs of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial Read More »


Leahy schedules Jan. 20 hearing on Christmas Day bombing plot

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release) – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (Democrat, Vermont) has scheduled a hearing for January 20 to examine the effectiveness of anti-terrorism tools and inter-agency communication in the wake of the thwarted Christmas Day airline attack.  Leahy first announced his intention to schedule the hearing in Vermont on Friday.  The Judiciary Committee

Leahy schedules Jan. 20 hearing on Christmas Day bombing plot Read More »


Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, February 19, 1954

Compiled by Gail Umeham Engagement Told Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 2 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fisher have announced the engagement of their daughter, Beverlye, to Lewis Hyman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hyman, of Beverly Hills.  Miss Fisher is the sister of Mrs. Victor Selten of San Diego. The formal announcement

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, February 19, 1954 Read More »

Adventures in SD History

A concise and relevant Holocaust compendium for classrooms

Why Should I Care? Lessons from the Holocaust by Jeanette Friedman and David Gold; The Wordsmithy, LLC 2009; 263 pages By Marcia Tatz Wollner SAN DIEGO (Press Release)–Why Should I Care? Lessons from the Holocaust is an easy to read and engaging text to add to one’s personal library and definitely a recommendation for a

A concise and relevant Holocaust compendium for classrooms Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, International, Jewish History, Marcia Tatz Wollner, San Diego County, Science, Medicine, & Education

Days of wine and humor for Congregation Beth Am

SAN DIEGO (Press Release)–Congregation Beth Am’s Center for Lifelong Jewish Learning, sponsored by the Mizel Family Foundation, has several new classes starting in February.  To Cry Laughing: Jewish Comedy will be held Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30pm from February 16, 2010 to March 16, 2010. In this multimedia class, Rabbi David Kornberg will lead the group through

Days of wine and humor for Congregation Beth Am Read More »

San Diego Calendar

San Diego State University teams with Congregation Beth El for Mideast lecture series

SAN DIEGO (Press Release)–The Jewish Studies Department at San Diego State University has scheduled four lectures on the Middle East at Congregation Beth El in La Jolla. “Our tradition at San Diego State University’s Jewish Studies Program is to bring to San Diego the latest in Israel and Middle East research and related topics of

San Diego State University teams with Congregation Beth El for Mideast lecture series Read More »

Travel and Food

New U.S.-sponsored U.N. sanctions on Iran would focus on Revolutionary Guard, newspaper reports

NEW YORK (Press Release)–The Obama administration now believes that Iran is secretly running a nuclear weapons program, according to a ‘New York Times’ report, and Washington wants to press the UN Security Council to impose new sanctions on Tehran. The White House wants to focus the new sanctions on the Revolutionary Guard, which is believed

New U.S.-sponsored U.N. sanctions on Iran would focus on Revolutionary Guard, newspaper reports Read More »

Middle East, USA

Pope says beatification of Pius XII not hostile to Jews

VATICAN CITY (WJC)–The Vatican has defended the planned beatification of the late Pope Pius XII against criticism from Jewish groups, including the World Jewish Congress. A spokesman said that the decision by Pope Benedict XVI in December which recognized Pius XII’s “heroic virtues” did not concern the war-time pope’s “operative choices” but his “witness of

Pope says beatification of Pius XII not hostile to Jews Read More »

Travel and Food