1 thought on “History of American Jewish Historical Societies Plumbs Differences Between Amateurs and Professional Historians”

  1. “There are as many paths to God as there are souls on this earth.” – J. Courtney Sullivan

    The Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation, http://www.JASHP.org, definitely falls in the Amateur historical society definition but with major differences between objectives and results from the Professional societies.

    While working on my Phd. in American Studies, I realized the problem and limitation of pure academia. Went into business instead.

    JASHP does not preserve documents, building or collect and store artifacts. As a small organization, we have neither the time, funding or space for that.

    Instead we focus on telling the Jewish story through historical markers and projects. To date, we have completed markers and projects in 43 States and in 8 countries. Somewhere north of 7,000,000 people annually learn a bit about the American Jewish experience and broader Jewish story. For a tiny, obscure, amateur Jewish historical society, our impact footprint is likely bigger than the biggies.

    Not being sour grapes but observational. We have taken a different path along the same road.

    The basic question is how to preserve and teach the story of the eternal people. There are many ways. JASHP is a way but so are the many professional Jewish historical societies who perform vital functions of academic memory.

    Which way is correct, D.K.

    Working together, yet differently, is the smorgasbord of Jewish preservation. Jewish education is fundamental not for Jews to just learn about Pesach or Yom Kippur. It is more than retelling at the Yom Tov table the family bubbah meisa about Aunt Tilly who sold pickles on the lower east side street corners in the driving blizzards of wintry N.Y. to pay for great Uncle Manny’s medical school education. Great Uncle Manny moved to California, got into motion pictures and became a “mogul” only to lose it all when “talkies” came about. “And that dear kids is why we are not wealthy today. Now finish you compote.”

    The world of Jewish historical societies must teach the non-Jewish world about Jews. They must teach about Jewish presence, Jewish legitimacy and contributions to the magnificence of the diversity of the American melting pot.

    The bottom line is both negative and positive. We all are fighting ignorance, bigotry and hate by not forgetting or permitting the past, which shapes our present and our futures, to be forgotten. For JASHP, it is even more basic – memory, commonality, fighting antisemitism..

    For others, non-Jewish historical groups, remembering and preserving their own stories is to affirm the positive of the American experiment. Their telling of how each small minority struggled to come, blend, at times not smoothly, making the American story strong and stronger, can and does make the many of us into one.

    DK if JASHP is included or mentioned in the book. No one contacted us. Ordered a copy of the book because it is a important historical story to be known and preserved.

    B’yachad – together.

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